Jonathan's Web Site

OS/2 Warp News

Smartsuite for OS/2 Warp released

Lotus have finally released the famous Smartsuite product for OS/2, from what I saw of the Beta 2 release of the product it should be worth the wait. And at the moment I should have a copy of Smartsuite on it's way to me. Ps. Just in case you don't know I'm using Smartsuite WordPro to create this web page with a Smartmaster I have created myself.

Innoval's J Street Mailer

Innoval the company responsible for the great PostRoad Mailer have released a new version of the E-mail client which has been completely written in Java. Currently you can subscribe to the program for a year, in which time you are entitled to all product updates. I think this is great value for money.

HotJava Browser

Sun Microsystems have written web browsing software similar to Netscape in Java. The program can be awkward to set-up in OS/2 but it doe's show quite some promise of being a great program.

Java 1.14 updated

IBM have updated the 1.14 build of the Java virtual machine for OS/2 warp which corrects many problems with the previous build, not usualy noticed but the problems are more prominte with J Street Mailer, for this reason Innoval recommend this upgrade.

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Last Update: 12 April 1998

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