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Stefano Del Furia

Technical Teacher
Computer Science Department
ITIS "E.FERMI" Bibbiena - AR - ITALY.
Listen my greeting (wave ver.)
Listen my greeting (real audio ver.)

This is my home page and you are welcome.

I would like to thanks the GEOCITIES Organization for this opportunity

THEORY is when you know everything but nothing works.
PRACTICE is when everything works but you don't know why
Our aim is to join THEORY and PRACTICE:
(-: NOTHING works and we don't know WHY :-)

Download my PARSER fo evaluating
Mathematical Expression (Delphi 2.0)
(0.91b - 63 Kbytes

Download component for loading
jpeg, gif and bmp images from disk
(Borland C++ Builder)
(125 Kbytes

from: Josef Sukonick

Computer Department



Operating System

C / C++

Goto the XTL Web Site: probably the BEST implementation of STL Library (Great BOB)

Windows NT
Windows 95
High Technologies

Weather Forecast
HI. This is my LIFE

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Credits: This page last updated on Sunday, 18-Aug-96 07:24:07 EDT. Internal pages may have later dates.