The Kemp's
The Homepage of Tim, Sharon, and Randy Kemp
Fuquay-Varina, NC

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such as Netscape or Mozilla
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We are researching the following surnames:
LAST UPDATE: 7/29/2003

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SafeSurf Rated All Ages

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First, let me tell you a little about us. We live in Fuquay-Varina, NC with our 19 year old son Randy.

Randy is a graduate Southeast Raleigh High School Center for Accelerated Studies where he was a team leader on his school's Web Site Development Team which has won several national awards for its website.

This website has won multiple national awards including the prestigious 2000-2001 Golden Web Award from the International Association of Webmasters and Designers.    Education World®, named by FamilyPC as the world's best educational resource and search engine on the Internet,  named them  "Cool Site of the Week".  You can see Education World's comments about the SRHS Website HERE. They also received an award from FamilyPC magazine,  and have received various other national and state awards.

Someone in Washington surfing education sites was so impressed by the school's website that they set up a visit to the school by Ron Page, President Bush's Sec. of Education. He came, but unfortunately schools had to be closed that day due to sleet and freezing rain. Randy did, however, get the chance to meet and chat with his advance team the school day before.

Since his graduation Randy has been working at SRHS where he is now the Webserver Administrator where he is responsible for the Web Development Team's Linux, Micro$oft NT and Sun Solaris Sparc servers. He is also the Unix System Administrator, and Assistant Network Administrator over a system of over 2000 workstations and servers. He is still working with the SRHS Web Developement Team as an advisor.  He also instructs the teachers and school administrators on how to construct web pages for their individual classes and departments.

On top of all of this he spends many volunteer hours at the school helping with computer and sound system needs of various student organizations, such as the Robodogs First Team.

Sharon is presently looking for work.  She is unfortunately in the wrong field at this time due to the downhill employement spiral recently in igh tech electronics.

Tim retired due to health in 1998 after nearly 19 years as an employee of The Kmart Corporation where he was the Image Center manager in Super Kmart 4955 in Garner, NC.

Tim's hobbies, besides computers, are Amateur "Ham" Radio , where he has been licensed as WB4BAH for 30 years. (boy he feels old when he thinks about that), tropical fish, photography, collecting antique cameras, electric trains, stamp collecting, reading, genealogy, and spending too much time on eBay.

See here for some of Tim's recommended reading from his favorite book source. 

Tim is trying to trace our families' "roots".  Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

Click here to go to Tim's genealogy pages

Some of our favorite links are:

The Kemp Family Association Home Page

The William Strother Society Home Page

Fuquay-Varina United Methodist Church

AmazonCom Online Bookstore

American Radio Relay League

The folks Tim worked for 19 years

Tim WB4BAH's List of Amateur Radio Links


For information about preventing child abuse, see the homepage of
The National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse

Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina

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Until next time,
Tim, Sharon, and Randy Kemp

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