The Tech Bench Elmers
Amateur Radio Society
Club Station Callsign
P.O. Box 1112 Sierra Madre, CA 91025 or e-mail:

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Marking the memory of an act that should not have happened on September 11, 2001, or at any other time!
We stand united!

"All free people must fight
to retain their freedom!"
Original artwork by Merrils Scheffer N6PON
The Logo of the Tech Bench Elmers ARS ©1992

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Ham Radio Enthusiast Survey
View our Guest Book.

The Modified Slinky Antenna
or the High-Q-Coil

The Magic and Forgotten Band

It Feels Pretty Good Being an Elmer
or, the Wonder of Radio

Why are antennas built to look like they do?

The Geometry of Radio

Why You Should Just About NEVER Install an RF Grounding System
Read On, Its a Good Thing

The Dynamics of Antenna Design, or The J-pole Antenna Revisited Yet Again

The Quarter Wavelength Q-Line - and What You Can Do With It

A Good Thing

The Tech Bench Elmers Amateur Radio Society is an organization dedicated to promoting technical prowess within the Amateur Radio community. Directors of the society are WA6BFH, KD6AUN, K6BD (SK) , KC6YVA, KC6SXY and KO6KS. The Tech Bench Elmers has no formal membership, and no "dues" are required for participation. Anyone having an interest in technical endeavors as they may relate to Amateur Radio is a welcome part of our group.

SCRBBA UHF/Microwave Band Plans

Other Amateur Radio Organizations you should visit!

[Arrow1.gif] SBMS San Bernardino Microwave Society
[Arrow1.gif] WSWSS Western States Weak Signal Society

More Tech Bench Elmers Pages

Tech Bench Elmers ARS

[little_elmer.gif] R&D newsletter Vol.3 No.1 [2MAR1999]

[little_elmer.gif]Passion, Creativity, and Common Sense [2MAR1999]
[little_elmer.gif]Learning How To Talk [2MAR1999]
[little_elmer.gif]Camping and Radio [2MAR1999]
[little_elmer.gif]Notes on Electronic Amplifiers [2MAR1999]
[phi.gif] Charter [1996]
[lambda.gif] History [1996]
[beta.gif] Web Searches [1996]
[lambda.gif] Our New Neighborhood [11JAN2004]
[lambda.gif] A Good Thing [11JAN2004]
[lambda.gif] Craftsman Award [FEB1998]
[lambda.gif] 30% [20AUG1998]
[beta.gif][lambda.gif] Amateur Radio Licensing - Seriously! [30JUL1998]
[mu.gif][lambda.gif] Arroyo Vista Elementary School Takes to the Air [14JUL1998]
[lambda.gif] The Myth Is Not True [27SEP1998]
[lambda.gif] For Our Children [5JUL1998]
[lambda.gif] Considering Our Spectrum [7JUN1998]
[lambda.gif] What's Happening To Amateur Radio? [15MAY1998]
[lambda.gif] Why are antennas built to look like they do? [1996]
[lambda.gif] The "J" Antenna Revisited [7JUN1998]
[lambda.gif] Six Meter Wavelength Band Antennas [7JUN1998]
[lambda.gif] Grounding Systems for Amateur Radio Stations [FEB1998]
[lambda.gif] "Waynis": A good DC connector [FEB1997]
[sigma1.gif] MCW Oscillator projects [FEB1998]
[lambda.gif] What's In A Name [15MAY1998]
[lambda.gif] What's In A Concept [7JUN1998]
[lambda.gif] [lambda.gif] It Feels Pretty Good Being an Elmer, or, the Wonder of Radio [4SEP1999]
[lambda.gif] Why You Should Just About NEVER Install an RF Grounding System - Read On, Its a Good Thing [4SEPT2002]
[lambda.gif] Ham Radio Is Not Plug and Play - And Why Would You Want It To Be [19NOV2002]
[lambda.gif] The Dynamics of Antenna Design, or The J-pole Antenna Revisited Yet Again [28NOV2003]
[lambda.gif] The Quarter Wavelength Q-Line - and What You Can Do With It [28NOV2003]
[phi.gif] 911 Statement
[lambda.gif] BPL—A Threat to Ham Radio Where YOU Need to Respond [3APR2004]

[beta.gif] Microwave Data Project [31MAR1998]

[lambda.gif] Non-Field Day Field Day Results[3JUN1998] [lambda.gif] The Modified Slinky Antenna or the High-Q-Coil[19DEC2005]

Contacting the Tech Bench Elmers:
John WA6BFH:
Steve KO6KS:
Mitchell KC6SXY

Tech Bench Elmers Personal pages:
Just fun stuff, non-technical

[Arrow1.gif]" KC6SXY Mitch's Home Page

Site Map | Calendar | e-mail | Links | Meetings

Tech Bench Elmers[beta.gif]© 1996-2002