Welcome to The Olivia Siu Home Page

Oliva Siu

Hello my name is Olivia Siu and I will be your host here at the Olivia Siu Home Page. I currently live in Walnut Creek, California which is only 21 miles east of San Francisco. I orignally hail from Kowloon, Hong Kong. I 've been living in the USA since March 11, 1990. Although I don't have any of my own, I really love and enjoy children.

(Olivia Siu & Nephew)

(Escpially Linus With His Security Blanket)

One of my favorite hobbies is gardening. I like to grow my own vegetables. Among the various vegetables that I have cultivated are tomatoes, bell peppers, parsley, water mellon, egg plant and cantelope. Vegetables that are home grown taste so much better than grocery store vegetables. I love to nuture and watch plants and flowers bloom.

(Gardening By Moonlight)

I also enjoy music and going to concerts. Kitaro, Air Supply, Vangelis and Jon Anderson are my favorite artists.

(Olivia Siu John Carramao & Michael Roth At The Oakland Colliseum Awaiting The 'Yes' Concert)

I also really enjoy the outdoors, camping has a cleansing effect on me. Just to be able to get away from the hustle, bustle and noise of suburban living even for only a day really calms me.

(At Mclures Beach, Pt. Reyes, CA)

I also love movies. Among my favorites are My Fair Lady, The Sound Of Music, Dr. Zhivago, The King & I, & The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. I also have the soundracks to my favorite movies on cd to listen to as well.

(Rex Harrison & Audrey Hepburn Star In My Fair Lady)

I love My Fair Lady for so many reasons. My attempts at learning English were quite similar to Audrey Hepburns efforts at learning The Queens English. Two of my other favorites, Dr. Zhivago and The Sound Of Music are just masterpieces. Julie Andrews is absolutely brilliant as Maria. Two great moives. They're worth watching.

(Dr. Zhivago)

Thank you for visiting my home page. The internet is a fascinating thing and I hope to utilize my creative abilities to create an interesting Home Page. Check back here often, who knows what you'll find. On your journey through the internet check out these excellent sites, I've reviewed them myself.

The John Carramao Stratospheres is a unique site offering a glimpse into the life of the author. Meet the people he knows and see the places he goes. It's worth a visit to get to know the author.

The Garden is the exclusive, one and only page on the internet that is active which is devoted to John Foxx. Authored by John Marques Carramao, The Garden gives you the flavor of the John Foxx atmosphere. The Garden does justice to a brilliant artist who deserves at least some bandwidth on the internet. It now includes an updated discography. It is definitely worth a visit

The Joy Circuitis also authored by John Marques Carramao and is now part of The Numan Network of sites dedicated to Gary Numan. Gary Numan is a brilliant artist and The Joy Circuit is a brilliant site. It takes you into the realm of the Numan images with creatively designed regions. If you're a Gary Numan fan this attraction is worth a look. See for yourself.

The Numan Network is a confederation of sites featuring Gary Numan. They've all got a unique perspective, and everything you could desire covering Gary Numan

Nuworld is the official Gary Numan web site authored by Gary Numan himself. This is 'The' Numan site, it has everything. News, sounds, cd's, videos, pictures......you get the picture, you get it all an Nuworld. An excellent site, you've got to see it for yourself.

We The Peopleis the Jerry Brown web site. Jerry is doing everything he can to make certain that honesty, democracy and freedom ring through the land for all people. A worthy cause. Check it out and get involved. Freedom isn't free it has to be earned and fought for constantly. Listen to the We The People radio show weekdays at 4 p.m. on KPFA FM.

United Media's Cartoon Pageis quite funny. I only read the funny pages anymore, the news is just too much hype and fluff. The funnies are actually the only part of the newspaper I actually take seriously. Really.

This page is maintained by Olivia Siu. Design and Program assistance by John Marques Carramao. Special Thanks to Beverly Hills Internet. Please e-mail me.[bluemoon@ix.netcom.com]

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