Hollinger's Homestead

Welcome to my home page. Things are still in a state of disarray, but I'm working on it. But like most things (and hopefully, people), it is undergoing continuous change and improvement.

I guess that you would like a little something about me, without having to go through the mandatory cross-links to find out a little something.

I'm a member of the Lion's Club at the Morgantown Cheat Lake Lions Club. I was elected  President for the 1999 - 2000 year.

I get paid to do one hobby, programming. Which is very nice if you can get it. But that just means that I have to throw money at the computer more often -- at least I have an excuse! Some other hobbies include: flying (pouring money into a hole in the air) and SCUBA diving (pouring money into a hole in the water). Which explains why I don't do much of either one of those two at the moment.

Another on line hobby is collecting 'Bottom 95%' awards for this page -- and I'm sure you will agree that they deserve it! If you see any others that I might want to get to, please e-mail me. If you feel that you want to nominate me for some, then feel free to do so.

I'm a part-time college student. I read science-fiction, work on my house, watch movies, and of course work on my home pages ­ when I have the time (yeah, right!).

You might want to check out my newspaper page, it's got links to horoscopes, other newspapers, even a TV guide or two.

Web Site progress and news

Because I try to keep my site current a lot of pages have been updated recently (August 15, 1999).

If you find any other broken links please let me know.

Quick Links
My master link page A newspaper with your coffee
Jump spots Libraries
Icons and Artwork Download Areas
Search Engines EFF
Technical Resources Unsorted
Web Programming and Internet tools Freebies that I have found.
Comedy sites that I've located! Notes From The Far Side (Under construction)
Take a look at my bookshelf. You'll find other newspapers and e'zines there. Friends and neighbors in the GeoCities' Silicon Valley area and suburbs.
To see the some of the best of what is available in GeoCities, check out the A-List. My financial links.


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