Weaver's Web

Rob Weaver's Home Page

Welcome to my Web !

(Said the Weaver to the Webber ...)

Table of Contents
  My job history.
  My online resume.
  My Internet tools page.
  My personal history, a semi-autobiographical HTML page.
Eyecon I do artwork in my spare time and you can enjoy my coloring book. More art work shots can be seen at http://community.webshots.com/album/16288972IBqTrlyBLT (my WebShots artwork album which also contains photos I've gathered over the years is located at http://community.webshots.com/user/robweaver).
WWWeave.png I've been playing with a new 3D VR tool from Adobe called Atmosphere. I've got a virtual display of some of my artwork as a rotating cube called ArtBox which I use in my Atmosphere avatar (WWWeave).

In the Atmosphere browser type:

/goto http://www.geocities.com/rweaver002/Atmosphere/ArtBox.aer
/avatar http://www.geocities.com/rweaver002/Atmosphere/WWWeave.aer


Try the Javascript version of my coloring book if you are running Netscape 3.0 or better.

There's also my first Java applet(a work in progress)

See my beta Java menu by clicking here ...

Getting Started exploring WWW

If you are not sure how to find something on the web, the best place to go to find things is Excite ! Enter as much text as you can about what you are looking for in the box below:


In case you are relatively new to the World Wide Web, you may wish to read the NCSA Mosaic Demo Document.

There is also the Suggested Starting Points for Internet Exploration.

You may wish to use the following resources to keep track of the evolution of cyberspace and to find information on the Internet:

Now serving: Counter

Comments or Problems

Again, thanks for visiting my web page. I hope to hear from you again soon. If you have any problems or suggestions, please feel free to contact me at:

robw@california.com Rob
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Rob Weaver
Web Architect