
Hola! Guten Tag! Bonjour! Aslamu Alykum! Greetings!

(Spanish, German, French, Somali)

Ich Heisse Roxanne. Me llamo Roxanne. Je m'appelle Roxanne. Magacayga Roxanne. My name is Roxanne.


I currently live in northern CA. I work for Intel part time in retail marketing.
I spent 2004 as a volunteer in the Americorps VISTA program, working with immigrant/refugee groups living in Lewiston, Maine. My projects focused on Childcare issues among these groups. Graduating with a degree in Business Administration-Marketing and minoring in Speech Communications, I have worked for companies such as Intel, Cisco and Aspect Communications. I love the challenge of business and marketing, but also enjoy working in non-profit and volunteer work. Resume!

What else..

I like to bike, inline skate,hike,write stories (children's to adult short stories), read, play tennis, take photographs, travel ..

View my digital pictures @ Photos

Parents: Augustin and Nicanora
Hobbies: Inline Skating, Photography reading, arts
Volunteer activities: Silicon Valley Charity Black Jack Dealer (2002), CAVY Spirit (guinea pigs), Tech Museum (1995-96)
Officer positions: President, VP, secretary of MIS (Management Information Systems) Club, SJSU
Ice Cream: Chocolate chocolate
top 5- Mud pie at Maryanne's of Santa Cruz, Forbidden Chocolate by Friendly's and Grasshopper Pie by Hood, Haagen Daz Bailey's Irish Cream, Baskin Robbins World Class Chocolate.
Sport to watch: Ice Hockey! SJ Sharks, my home team! Giants/A's and Go Red Sox!! World Series '04!!

College classes


Looking for a good book to read? Check back for a list of books I recommend
Including reads on different cultures, fiction and science fiction..reading list
Some cool or useful links:
Dibangombe (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe)
Somali research sites
Community Concepts


From left to right: Mark, Parag, Karin, Ron, Paolo, Roxanne, Alicia, Che-Chin, Brian, Stan, Sal