Welcome To The     
...ination Workshop
The main purpose of this page is to exchange information, tips, and techniques
  on image manipulation and correction using commercially  available software packages
  such as Adobe Photoshop and Micrografx Picture Publisher.
Please E-Mail me with any ideas you may have as to the format  and content of this page
  as well as any imaging tips you would like to see included.
  If possible, include before and after images with an  explanation of what was done
  to achieve the desired effect and/or correction. Keep in mind that space is limited, so
keep the images small.
I will also be glad to answer any questions on this subject to the best of my knowledge.
Links to sites where you can download photographs and other images
Imperial Earth (images of space and earth) 
Clarion Girl (beautiful Japanese girls in bathing suits) 
Smithsonian Photographic Services Home Page 
Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, National Air and Space Museum 
Pictures of China 
Want to go Cavediving? (Underwater caves in Yucutan)
Custom Textures for Web Page Design
Time Life Photo Gallery
Ansel Adams: Fiat Lux
Kite Aerial Photography (Photos taken from a hang-glider)
Spanky's Fractal Database
Outtakes from Stephen O. Muskie
The Digital Art of Larry Carlson

Photos of Dr. JPEG
Dr.JPEG in BC, Canada Aug.'95

Dr.JPEG at '97 company picnic

Dr.JPEG at his day job

Dr.JPEG (aka Uncle Paul) with nephew Simon (1)

Dr.JPEG (aka Uncle Paul) with nephew Simon (2)

Dr.JPEG & friends  shootin' the rapids (1) Lower New River Gorge, near Beckley, West Virginia (June 7, 1997)

Dr.JPEG & friends  shootin' the rapids (2) Lower New River Gorge, near Beckley, West Virginia (June 7, 1997)

Dr.JPEG & friends  shootin' the rapids (3) Lower New River Gorge, near Beckley, West Virginia (June 7, 1997)

This counter was reset on 12/16/97
© 1996, 1997 dr_jpeg@.yahoo.com
Dr. JPEG is:
Paul Silvan


As of 8/10/99 I am cancelling my account with America On Line due to their total lack of regard for their loyal customers.  Please send E-mail to one of my other mailboxes.
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