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Last modified: June 25, 2009
Upcoming Local Events of interest to our members:
This club was founded in 1958 (read our history.) The object of this organization is the scientific, educational, and humane study of; the breeding and sharing the knowledge of; and the appreciation of all caged birds (from our bylaws.) Any person interested in these objects is eligible for membership. Businesses are invited to consider Commercial Membership. (Read How to Join)
Meetings are usually held on the second Sunday of most months. A pot-luck is held at 12:30 p.m., bring a dish if you care to participate, otherwise come at 1:00 pm for the raffle and general meeting. The meeting usually adjourns by 2:30 pm. Members are requested to bring something for the raffle each month. Each member is asked to donate one small bird a year, or an item of equal value.
In July, we have a big Bar-B-Que (1998 Photos) and in December, we have our Annual Bird Show (1998 Photos) We have speakers, round table discussions, and question and answer periods. A newsletter is sent out monthly, reminding you of the meeting and other pertinent information. We provide club Canary Bands for our members.
We have an extensive club library for the use of our members.
Our Club is affiliated with many national bird organizations, (see the list of societies).
Anyone can Advertise in our Newsletter
Some members are listed in our Club Breeder Directory
Laws That May Affect Keeping Birds
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© 1997