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Welcome to
KURT JONSSON:s homepage !

This picture of me is taken in Vemdalen in the swedish mountains - by my wife Gurli - when we were on a weekend trip, to look at the wonderful colors of fall, in October.

Hello, my name is Kurt Jonsson and I´m living in Sweden in the city of Sundsvall 250 miles north of Stockholm - along the coast of the Baltic sea. I am a journalist, and I have been working for The Swedish Broadcasting Corporation since 1962. I retired from my work on april 1st 1999, but will still  work as a freelance journalist as long as I can. 
I am married since 1962 with Gurli, who is a X-ray nurse at the hospital here in Sundsvall. We have two children - Mats born 1964 and Christina (Kicki) born 1968. They have their own families now and also one child each - Mats´s daughter Emily is now eight and Kicki´s Sofia is eleven - and our grandchildren are just great - you can see them on pictures from 1995 if you CLICK here . There are also some other photos of the Jonsson family from that year.

IF YOU CLICK HERE we have some pictures of the kids,from the summer of 1998. .

CLICK HERE to see pictures from the WEDDING of our daughter Kicki in January 1999!!

IF YOU CLICK HERE you can see pictures from our vacation with our two grandchildren, Sofia and Emily to Florida in June 1999.

I moved in here in my Silicon Valley homesite in November 1995, and my intention is to update this homepage, now and then. My greatest interests, professionally, are JOURNALISM, RADIO and TRAVELLING and they are all topics that you can find a lot about on the Internet. You can  get some hints of some few interesting websites that I have found navigating on the Internet, if you look further down this page.

If you have any suggestions about what I more shall put here in my Silicon Valley home, please send me an e-mail

THIS PAGE UPDATED: January 14,2004

Click here to go to AMOS PERSSONS håmpäjdg - Amos is an old friend of mine, we have made hundreds of radioshows, where he has been telling stories about the lifestyle in the forests of northern Sweden where he lives. Here you can listen to some of his stories in RealAudio - that is if you understand the swedish language! But even if you don´t - take a look - there are some pictures of Amos and the place where he lived! Unfortunatly Henning Lundstrom, the man who made Amos, died in May 1999, but still you can hear Amos on the Internet.

Click here to read more (in Swedish) about another interesting Persson - Helge Persson from Anchorage, Alaska. A man, from Hälsingland, Sweden, that have lived in Alaska for more than 50 years. He´s big interests are hunting and fishing, and in a book that is published this autum, I have helped him writing about his adventures in Alaska. And all Helge´s stories are for real! Go to his homepage, and read more!!

CLICK here and you can go directly to the homepage that´s closest to me - the homepage of THE SWEDISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION, where I worked for 37 years. There you can also find a link to RADIO SWEDEN INTERNATIONAL with services in english and many other languages, on shortwave, mediumwave and satellites.You can also hear radioprograms via RealAudio there.
If you want to go directly to my old home station Sveriges Radio Västernorrland, you can click here.

HERE you´ll find some more interesting websites, that I personally can recommend. Take a look! And please come back later!

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