Seals and packing for hydraulic equipment.

Top quality at reasonable prices.

  Seals for all famous-name equipment.

Off the shelf, or made to order.

contact Meiwa
About Meiwa

See us at the International Fluid Power Exhibition 2002
March 19 - 23, 2002
in Las Vegas, Nevada,

For information about the International fluid Power Exhibition visit


Meiwa Packing has been supplying Asia with hydraulic seals and packing for over sixty years, and now we're coming to North America and Europe.
Meiwa's products are manufactured to international quality standards at factories in Osaka, Japan, and Jakarta, Indonesia, using state-of-the-art technologies and materials.
Don't look for a price list on these pages. We will make you a price on your specifications and quantity, ensuring you get just what you want. Contact us for a quote.


You saw us at the International Fluid Power Exhibition in Chicago.


Meiwa Packing Co., Ltd.
2-10-3 Kitamura
Osaka 551-0032

Phone: +81 6 6554 8008
Fax: +81 6 6554 8007


PT. Meiwa International
Block N-3 MM2100
Industrial Town Cibitung
Bekasi 17520

Phone: +62 21 898 0230
Fax: +62 21 898 02131

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