So what do YOU care about? Often times we find ourselves outraged at things in our everyday lives. Many of us mumble to ourselves ‘how can this be?’ Still there are others who throw their hands up in defeat believing all is out of their control. And still there are some of us who’ve become victims of these events in our lives and wonder what the hell happened. Things in life don’t “just happen”. There is cause and affect. Factors that have led others decisions and agendas to collide with our daily lives and our otherwise benign existence are all around us everyday. These “things” or factors are ignored by a majority of society and in many cases that’s why and how these “things” themselves exist in our lives.  What exactly am I talking about? Illegal immigration, economic instability, personal and national security, unconstitutional or corrupt legislative agendas, the removal of God from American Society as a whole, citizenship worth and the slow extinction of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility. If they sound like issues, they are and if not this site intends on making them issues. What is important to you and your families or what really matters are the things we try to address here on this site. If any of the items outlined above matter to you, than please join us as we bring to light the stories and issues that really matter.  

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