Isaiah Flin-flinn

Isaiah Flinn was born April 23, 1807. He married Rhoda Wood Teague on December 31, 1828 in Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tennessee and they had six children.  Isaiah died May 28, 1838 in Bolivar,  and is buried beside Rhoda in the Old Clover Creek Cemetery there. John Carroll Flinn, the first child of Isaiah and Rhoda, was born in Bolivar on October 1, 1829. John Carroll was a doctor and married Susan Frances McGuire in 1856. They had sixteen children before Dr. John Carroll died on July, 18, 1895 in Hutto, Williamson County, Texas. His fourteenth child was Patrick Hardy Flinn born June 22, 1877 in Hutto, Texas. Patrick Hardy married Clara Leta Vaughan in 1906 at which time he changed the spelling of his name to Flynn. Patrick Hardy was a farmer, worked on a road crew with the CCC during the Great Depression and was a butcher. He and Clara Leta had three children before he died on April 29, 1965 in Canyon, Randall County, Texas. His first child was Patrick Holman Flynn born October 19, 1906 in Hutto, Williamson County, Texas. Patrick Holman married Velma Cleo Cazzell in 1924. He was a newspaper reporter and a radio personality. He and Velma Cleo had three children before he died on january 30, 1971 in Happy, Swisher County, Texas. I am his third child, Jerry Flynn.


John Carroll Flinn


Isaiah in Bolivar during the early 1830's

Susan Frances McGuire


If you would like more information about the Flinn/Flynn family, please contact Jerry Flynn at:

Clara Leta Vaughan Flynn

Patrick Hardy Flynn
