h Engineering and Technology of America

PO Box 80034
San Marino, CA. 91118-8034
(626) 683-9143

Dr. Faiza Lansing, P.E., President
Over 30 Years Experience in:

Ocean-atmosphere interactions and El-Nino Predictions

Sea Surface Temperature, Pacific Ocean, June

Sea Surface Temperature, Pacific Ocean, October

Sea Surface Temperature, Pacific Ocean, December

Sea Surface Temperature, Pacific Ocean, March

Structural, Thermal, and Fluid Flow Analysis
Electromagnetics of Microcircuits and Antennas

Electrical field of a spacecraft 16 element antenna array

FDTD Prediction of the Amplitude of the electric field in the plane of the conductor of a branch-line directional coupler excited by a Gaussian pulse

Spacecraft Systems and Orbital Dynamics
Spacecraft Telecommunications Link Budgets and Hardware

A computer program facilitates the analysis and design of a radio-communication system for transmitting data from an orbiting spacecraft to ground stations. Input data provided by the user include primarily (1) parameters of the spacecraft orbit (including parameters that specify its position and orientation with respect to a coordinate system that translates with, but does not rotate with, the Earth); (2) either a specification of the gain pattern or else parameters needed to calculate the gain pattern of the antenna aboard the spacecraft; (3) type of spacecraft antenna aiming (nadir-pointed or articulated); (4) locations of the ground stations; (5) downlink bit rates and frequencies; (6) spacecraft instrument data rates; and (7) the angle (relative to the horizon) below which the line of sight from the spacecraft to each ground station is deemed to be blocked. The program calculates the spacecraft trajectory, the times when the spacecraft is visible from each ground station, the times (as functions of visibility and the antenna gain pattern) when radio communication is possible, the number of bits that a ground station can receive from the spacecraft during a given orbit, and the spacecraft data-storage capacity needed to hold data that are generated between communication intervals. /font>

Multidisciplinary Optimization
3-D Visualization and Amination

Women Engineers are Classy, Imaginative, Creative and Excellent Managers and Leaders

Please Call or Email us at flansing@yahoo.com, We Provide the Best Service in Engineering Consultations



Intensive courses in Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California Engineering and Management Program, University of California, Los Angeles, 1988.
Postdoctoral Study, Aerospace Engineering, University of Southern California, 1982.
Ph.D., Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern California, 1981.
M.S., Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University, 1976.
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Cairo University, (Giza, Egypt), 1970.

Specialized Courses:

National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Champaign, Ill
Supercomputing Summer Institute, 1989
University of California, Los Angeles
Integrated Communication, 1985
Precision Orbit Determination and Navigation, 1985
Identification Systems: Principles, Technology and Operational Aspects, 1985
University of Texas, Austin
Satellite Orbit Determination, 1985
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
ISO 9100, 1998
NASA Systems Engineering, 1998
Grievance Hearing Workshop, 1997
Managing Creativity, 1997
Total Quality Management, 1992
The JPL Technical Group Supervisor, 1986
Leadership Effectiveness for Managers, 1986
Software Life Cycles, 1986
Work Breakdown Structures and Networks, 1985
Integrated Task Management, 1984
Management Development Workshop for Women, 1984


First woman to graduate with a Ph.D. in Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering from the University of Southern California, 1981
JPL, Total Quality Award, Product Assurance
JPL, Teamwork Award, Team-X
JPL, Development New Product Award
Former Vice President and Treasurer, Kan Zaman, a community ensemble to preserve classical and folkloric Egyptian and Arabic music
NASA Group Achievement Award for the DSN Telemetry Upgrade Task JPL Team
NASA and JPL Acknowledge of Contribution in the Design Phase of the TOPEX Project
Excellence, Contribution to Quality and Productivity, 1990
Who's Who in California
SIGMA XI - Member
American Geophysical Union - Member The Oceanography Society - Member
Society of Women Engineers - Senior Member
American Physical Society - Member
Licensed Professional Mechanical Engineer - State of California
First Prize - Cost Saving Program - 1974, Carlyle Compressor Company


Reading, Cooking, and Entertaining Friends. Singing classical and folkloric Egyptian and Arabic Songs and Poetry

Faiza sings her heart out, performing in Southern California


Gedney, Stephen D. And Lansing, Faiza S., “Explicit Time-Domain Solution of Maxwell’s Equations Using Nonorthogonal and Unstructured Grids”. pp. 473-528, “Computational Electrodynamics, The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method”, Edited by Allen Taflove, Artech House Publishers, 2nd edition, April, 2000.

Gedney, Stephen D. And Lansing, Faiza S., “Explicit Time-Domain Solution of Maxwell’s Equations Using Nonorthogonal and Unstructured Grids”. pp. 343-396, “Computational Electrodynamics, The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method”, Edited by Allen Taflove, Artech House Publishers, May, 1995.

Gedney, S D., F. Lansing, and D. Rascoe, “A Generalized Yee Algorithm for the Analysis of MMIC Devices,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, Submitted

Gedney, S D., F. Lansing, “A Generalized Yee Algorithm for the Analysis of Three-Dimensional Microwave Circuit Devices with Planar Symmetry,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, Submitted

Gedney, S D., F. Lansing, “A Parallel Planar Generalized Yee Algorithm for the Analysis of Microwave Circuit Devices,” International Journal for Numerical Modeling (Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields), in press

Lansing, Faiza S. and Stephen Gedney, “Analysis of Miniature Telecommunications Components,” pp. 164-174, Proceedings of the Second Annual Concurrent Supercomputing Consortium Workshop, Norfolk, VA, March 1993.

Lansing, Faiza S. and Daniel L. Rascoe, " Full Wave Analysis of Passive Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit Devices Using a Generalized Finite Difference Time Domain (GFDTD) Algorithm,” pp. 402-410, NASA Conference Publication 3249, Volume I, Technology 2003, Conference Proceeding, Anaheim, 1993

Lansing, Faiza S. and Stephen Gedney, “Full Wave Analysis of Printed Microstrip Devices using a Generalized Yee Algorithm,” in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium Digest, Ann Arbor, MI. 1993

Lansing, Faiza S. 1990. "A High Performance Parallel Approach to Orbit Generation and Propagation. Submitted to the Fifth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, March 1991.

Lansing, Faiza S., 1990. "Hypercube Trajectory Generation". JPL Internal report.

Halpern, David, and Lansing, Faiza, 1989. "Hypercube and Ocean General-Circulation Models." Annual Report of Investigations Carried Under the Director's Discretionary Fund, October 1,1987 to September 30, 1988. JPL D-6251.

Lansing, Faiza S., 1988. "A Numerical Experiment on Ocean Circulation in Mid-Latitudes. Abstract, Society of Women Engineers, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Lansing, Faiza S. and Tony Maxworthy, 1984. "On the Generation and Evolution of Internal Gravity Waves." Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 145: 127-149.

Lansing, Faiza S., 1984. TOPEX/POSEIDON Science Opportunities Document. JPL D-1417.

Lansing, Faiza, S., 1984. "TOPEX/POSEIDON Verification Plan." Draft, JPL, September.

Lansing, Faiza S., 1984. "Sea State Related Altitude Errors and Pointing Requirements for the TOPEX Altimeter." JPL.

Lansing, Faiza S., 1982. "The Airflow Streams around the MM Missile." TRW.

Lansing, Faiza S., 1983. "The Thermal Behavior of the Global Sensor System Remote Terminal." TRW.

Lansing, Faiza S., 1983. "The Dynamics of a Smart Damper." TRW.

Lansing, Faiza S., 1981. On the Generation and Evolution of Interfacial Waves. (Ph.D. Dissertation: University of Southern California).
