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Pics inside of my dorm room
Here is my personal page
Here is my new stereotype page!!
My Favorite States Links Page
Here is a link to some of my pics from my Washington trip when we went there in July of 99.
casper, wyoming
Click here for my MotorCity Garage friends web sites
Here is the motherload of all mp3 search engines
Goto the MotorCity Garage Load Page
My summer of 99.  Some of what happened
Here is my dog when we first got him back in March of '92
Here is some Wyoming stuff
This is where I live now, Casper, WY.  It is a nice town with nice people!  This is a place where is seems like there are an infinite amount of blondes!  There is a lot to do such as bowling, going to the mountain and skiing or having a picnic in the summer when it gets hot.  It also has about four movie places.  There only about 2200 enrolled.  My  friends are from Lander, North Dakota, here, and South Dakota.  The average age of a student is 25 amazingly enough.  The elevation of Casper is about 5180 ft.  Casper Mountain to the south is about 7200 ft.  You can pet the deer up there almost anytime.  They are mule deer so they are kinda stupid.  It is kinda in the middle of the state.  Oil is the main resource around here.  If you didn't know Jim J. Bullock an actor and Mike Lansing are from here. UPDATED:(Im now in Vincennes, Indiana now...Just so you all know)
My Christmas wish list....lol
(Keyword "wish")
Pictures of  a babe
Wedding stuff from August of 2000
(old guestbook stuff)

Pelkeyb18's home page
Here is Leah's sweet home page of poems
Carl's karate web page
MJ Racing's page, he goes around in yahoo chat harrassing people so be aware..jk
I have aol, msn messenger, icq and yahoo....contact me on there if you want...wyo20@hotmail.com