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Diamonds Network

Desmond's ®2004
All rights reserved

We know you live an active lifestyle, so we make shopping convenient for you. Feel free to call or e-mail any request of jewelry, watches, loose diamonds and charms. Whether you're shopping for yourself or for that special someone, we are certain to find that perfect item for any occasion.

My name is Desmond Smith and I want to personally welcome you to the exciting new world of purchasing jewelry direct from the designing manufacturer. You will find this a fascinating, safe way of purchasing quality jewelry at Brokerage Prices.


Browsing through our catalog, you will find thousands of beautiful platinum, gold, silver, and diamond jewelry available for Next Day Delivery. We will even gift wrap your selections if you wish.


Bob Dylan was correct when he sang: The Times They Are A Changin'. For Three Generations, my family has supplied quality jewelry to the retail jewelers in the Midwest. We at Desmonds believed that the future of our company was best served by opening our doors to the public. Confidence, Price, Service, and hard to find unique pieces of jewelry are but a few of the advantages of dealing direct with an old midwestern firm like Desmonds.