by Bøb and Éd

Look at me!

summarized the nuriko, bosh brothers', hotohori's, and the 2 eikou den novels here

Previous Notice (9/99...)

The Craaaazzzzzyyy page will be less-updated as of now (maybe not updated much at all...)so Here are some little things to remember us by...

Anohter notice!! hi, it:s bob. remember me? probably not. well,mn i have a lot of time with the internet today, so i:m adding a new little seciotn titled Bob(dammit, i can:t find the apostrophe on this damn keybaord)s Updates. all about stuff she adds to this page (since it:s now a rare occurance) and random blabbings that she has to get out of her system....english! engolsigh!! oh, how i have missed the, my dearest friend... heykj, what abourt mes?

[POOF!] and yet another notice! by your very own Html Fairy! to all you lovely children out there, I would just like to remind you that Fushigi Yuugi has been given the rating PG-13 in the U.S. and I have given the Thingful Thinged Thingiemabobber of Craaazy Things a rating of -Z- meaning: no one should look at it! thank you very much...[POOF!]

tjhios os Bøb's brothers derrssed as Nakago!! go see more pictureus!!

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Welcome to The Thingful Thinged Thingiemabobber of Things! This is a thing containing many thingful things that are mysteriously related to fuchsia yogurt (that's our nickname for "Fushigi Yuugi", by the way). We're finally running out of space, so we split our page into many sections:

The Thingful Thinged Thingiemabobber of Normal Things
This has STUFF FOR SALE, music info, Bøb's critically acclaimed FY story, and more...


The Thingful Thinged Thingiemabobber of Craaazzzzzy things
Bøb and Éd wiykd love for yeou to go and visit this very cyreaaazaazzzyyyy pagen.....


Learn about the new Hotohori-religion!!


For those interested in Ayashi no Ceres anime and manga info, Bob's Ayashi no Ceres Page is the place for you!

Go to Bob's Manga page!!!

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And last, but not least, the Anime Web Turnpike has several links to lots of different anime pages. you should go here because it is mighty ^_^

Welel, aussuming yo've read past those links, you're reafdy to go craaazyh!!! [POOF!] or normal, as the case may be. oh yeah, adn that's the Html Fairy. she's teh garudian of our webpages. yes, very pleased to meet you all = ) [POOF!] We are fully excqqipped to helpp youyu jn your quest. HOld nonto your soocks!!! love, Bøb and Éd

*note: if any of our links don't work, LET US KNOW here. these links ARE fixable...if we know they exist...

thank you for coming to such a humble page as ours...

This Ring of Eternal Beauty site is owned by
Bøb and Éd.

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do not ever operate heavy machinery!! EVER!