Hello everybody! I have finally updated my web page, about time, eh?? I also added some pictures from last summer. So re-sign the guest book if you haven't already and give me some ideas!!!
These are some pictures of me and my friends. My friend is 20, like myself. Her son in the pictures is 3 years old.

These are some pictures from the 4th of July '98.

If you didn't know already, I am 20 and I live in Denver. The people in the above pictures are my old roomie Kelley and the other is my weakness*S*... He and I have been together for almost a year now. His name is Kevin and he is 22. Things are pretty great in Denver. I am a writer, I love to write stories as well as poetry. I am also into music, partying and spending time with my one and only! 

These are some recent party pics of me and a friend of mine, Kathi. We do like to party here in Denver, and can't wait to spend some more time outdoors sippin' margaritas poolside once summer hits!
Make sure that you sign the guestbook to let me know that your wonderful self was here! And if you have any ideas that I might find interesting, don't hesitate to put them down!!
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