This site was designed for ease of navigation. Nothing here is
for sale - Of course, I will appreciate hearing from you if you choose to use any of my graphics. Due to copyright
laws, do not use my graphics for commercial purposes. Don't link directly to any graphic as sets will be
replaced often and you really don't have time to keep up with
that! Save them to your own computer by right clicking or
request the zip file.
There are six categories featuring ten of my favorite
webpage sets for each. Come back frequently to see what's new. The
thumbnails are only samples and do not represent the actual quality of
the set. You may click on a thumbnail to go to a
particular category to view samples of each set in that category
OR you may navigate one set at a time (see
To view sets as
designed, please use IE 4.0 or higher with Java enabled, full screen
at 800x600 resolution. Netscape, Opera and older browsers will not
display all the special features. Be sure your sound is turned on
also! |
will be updated on February 1, 2007. Most recent sets are Maiden Of The Wood, Oh, Calla, By the Sea, Rose of Antiquity, We Are Siamese, Wonders of Winter, Brown Eyes and Butterflies, Tea Time and Feed Me, Please. Mommy and Me, Dogwood Dreams, and Wine and Roses were completely redone. If its been awhile since you visited, you will find a lot of new sets and others redone. If you like my work and need some help designing your own website, please contact me via e-mail, using the link at the bottom of this page.
