Welcome, to VirtuaLechmere! This web page is a memorial to the greatest department store of all time, Lechmere. In case you were not fortunate to live in New England before November of 1997, Lechmere was a famous department store with branches located throughout New England, mostly in Massachusetts, with headquarters in Cambridge (site of the first store). The evil Montgomery Ward company took over Lechmere in 1994, and ran Lechmere into the ground.

I am writing this page as a simple reminder to those who remember only "Target" and "BestBuy" that other (local) stores did exist. I was never an employee of the store, just an admirer who (hopefully) remembers the store. Sure, at the same time as Lechmere, there were other competitors that disappeared around the same time as Lechmere (Fretter, Nobody Beats the Wiz, etc.), and other bits of Bostonia that disappeared about the same time as Lechmere (the Boston Garden, Purity Supreme, Grossmans, Somerville Lumber), but none of those stores had the impact of Lechmere. Lechmere introduced the "Package Pickup" system of paying for a large item, then picking it up at the service exit. Lechmere also introduced the "weekly flyer" advertisements. Remaining advertisments, like the following famous "scratch and win" ad, serve as fond reminders of the store that once was.

Click HERE to enter the land of the Lechmere, 1913-1997.

Lechmere FACTOID: The password for all those computers in the electronics department? I guess I can tell you now, since it wouldn't do any harm... READ ON...

PLEASE NOTE - This page is in no way affiliated with Montgomery Ward Co., nor with the original Lechmere corporation. I have nothing to do with any of the companies mentioned on this page! Get your OWN FREE Geocities Page!