This page is always under construction.,,,,,,hopefully new photo's will be added soon!!!
what is the Decolist.....
DecoList - The DecoList (owners of the Brother-made stand alone embroidery machines) is provided by Quiltropolis and conceived by Martie Sandell to enable beginners, as well as advanced users, to have a sharing place to learn from one another. Its primary focus is to further the creative enjoyment of the BASIC home embroidery machine (with or without a scanner) while forming friendships with fellow owners. The subject matter will naturally evolve into more advanced concepts while encouaging new owners in the use of basics.
To Join visit ......
The purpose of this page is to show off the personal work done by the members of the decolist.My name is Dee and I will try my best to maintain this page and post the pictures the members of the decolist send to me. So if you are a member, start taking some photo's of the work you do and mail them to me, snail mail or email. For those of you who do not have access to a scanner, I will scan the photo's if you mail them to :
Dee Beattie / P.O.Box 61551/ Brookswood RPO / Langley B.C./ Canada V3A 8C8
Thank you for visiting!
from Decolist members,,,
including those at the old site!!!!!