I recently discovered online auctions. Shopping at them can be the ultimate experience in bargain hunting. It's so satisfying to get something you really wanted and even more so if you get it for a good price. You have to watch out for auction fever though! It would be easy to be swept up in the bidding frenzy and pay too much.
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I Am A Proud Member Of: I like the challenge of gardening in the desert. There's something very satisfying about planting a few seeds and watching then grow into a little patch of green plants. It's like creating your own oasis. I also grow herbs which I use to make sauce for my homemade pasta and to make the specialty vinegars I like to give as gifts. I know it would probably be cheaper to buy them but it wouldn't be the same. Best thing about perennial herbs - you can't kill 'em unless you work really hard at it. On the other hand sometimes they grow better than weeds.
Some Gourmet and Some Not So Gourmet Recipes Southern California covers a large hunk of real estate and contains many different people and places. There's interesting ghost towns, some great malls for shopping, skiing, water skiing, the highest mountain in the continental United States and the lowest point which is in Death Valley all within a 4 hour drive. This will tell you a little about my home. Curious about the little images on my page? Those are my petroglyph people. Want to learn a little about petroglyphs? Here's some links that were helpful to me as I built my web page. Maybe you'll find them helpful too.
Lynn's Border Backgrounds and Kat's Soapbox Graphics
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