Welcome to our Wedding Page!

A lot of people have asked questions about "where can we stay?", "what can we get you?", "what can we do when we're there?" etc, etc. Hopefully we can answer some of these questions straight away:

Travel: Unfortunaly (well, fortunately) with so many people coming from so many different places it is very hard for us to generalise travel details. The best thing to do is contact us and we will advise each person individually to suit their needs.

Accommodation: We have made some provisional reservations at hotels within walking distance of the Park Hotel Weggis. Hotels range from a "No Star" budget hotel to Five Stars. Please let us know where you would like to stay and we are happy to make the booking for you. Prices are in CHF per double room per night:

Budget Hotel Weggis (no stars) - 118.00-137.00 incl. breakfast -
Posthotel & Casino Resort Weggis (***) - 216.00 incl. breakfast -
Wellness Hotel Roessli (***) - 210.00 incl. breakfast -
Hotel Alexander (****) - 270.00 incl. breakfast -
Park Hotel Weggis (*****) - 225.00-265.00 per person (lake or garden view) -
(10% discount if put onto our main bill)

What to do and see: Once again, many of you are coming for different periods of time, some just for the wedding, others for a holiday too. For a taste of what you can do closeby please find click onto http://www.luzern.org/home-001-00-en.htm, http://www.zug.ch or http://www.weggis.ch

Finally...What would we like? As we have been living together for the last three years or so you can imagine that we have accumulated quite a few "bits and bobs" (plenty already clogging up the cupboards). Of course, we will love ANY present you might want to give us. But if you have no idea whatsoever, then here are some ideas:

We have seen a lovely
Dining Table and Chairs (which would keep the 'missus to be' happy!) How about a Sofabed for when we have the "outlaws/inlaws" staying? Of course, there is also our honeymoon to Malta. How about taking us out for a Romantic Meal at the "Blue Elephant" (Malta's finest)? Or taking us on a Daytrip to the neighbouring island Gozo? The hotel offers an excellent Health and Wellness Centre...(perfect for newly-wed stress relief...)

If you would like to contribute to any of these please make sure when making payment you tell us what it is you are giving us. This way, once we've bought it, finished eating or drinking it, using it, seeing it etc., etc., we can thank you and tell you ALL about it.

Please feel free to call us anytime with any questions you might have.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Christin and Tom

CH Bank: Christin Sauer & Tom Maddock, UBS AG, 6300 Zug, Clearing No. 273, Acc. 268.733.40G
UK Bank: Tom Maddock, The Woolwich, London SE18, Sort code 10-80-12, Acc. 12339415
We are getting married!