I have collected dolls for almost 20 years now,  mostly  once loved ones ! From antique, to modern, in every shape and form it seems. I've made most of the clothes for the dolls and enjoyed seeing the dolls come alive again, with almost a smile on their faces.
Now I've  sort of moved on and decided it was time to start  selling down all the dolls I do have,  well almost! Also selling all my doll reference books.

Besides the dolls I have collected Everything else it seems. When looking in the doll room, I am amazed at how many things there are in there, and have come to the conclusion that the doll room is multiplying on it's own, it's almost scarey.

I love to quilt,  sew and buy fabrics. So hence fabrics for sale !
I only buy  fabrics I like and enjoy the hunt for that  nice pc of fabric.
Anybody who sews  will agree with me you never can have enough stash !

The top left picture shows a few quilts on an antique drying rack I have had for years. This spot sits in my work room and is a favorite place for friends to sit and chat when visiting.
The top middle  picture are two of my special dolls, the one on the left is a Kestner 211 and was my mom-in-laws childhood doll. The other is a GB German Bisque Character Doll for Borgfelt. She's 26" big and has the prettiest eyes.
To the right is a needlepoint picture I did years ago. The whole face is done in peti-point and of course with magnifying glass, the rest is basketweave needlepoint. Took me a lot of years to finally get it done.
Up close you can see tears coming from the little girls eyes.

I do hope you will check out my  sites below and if not to buy,at least to  enjoy the pictures.
Thanks for taking a look.
BluJay Store
Sophie Says Hi too !
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