Hi I'm Rick
I have left WebTV and I will be starting a new PC homepage. My previous WebTV HomePage will still be active, but I will no longer be updating it. I will try to add new things to this site as often as I can, so come back soon. In the meantime you can email me at rickski70@aol.com
No spam or junk mail please.


AOLTV works with your existing phone and television. In your AOLTV package you'll receive:

• AOLTV set top box with 56K modem
• Wireless Keyboard and Remote with batteries
• Coaxial/RCA cables
• Phone cord/Phone splitter
• Quick Start Installation Guide, User Manual and Video.

Here are some other common questions about getting started...

Q. What if I subscribe to cable?

A. The AOLTV set top box manufactured by Philips Electronics provides the AOLTV service if you have cable TV service. The Philips/AOLTV set top box will be available in August 2000.

Q. What if I have satellite TV?

A. The combination AOLTV/DirecTV set top box will be available later this year.

Q. Where can I buy the AOLTV set top box?

A. AOLTV will be available in select markets starting in August 2000. You can purchase the Philips/AOLTV set top box online on America Online, at Keyword: AOLTV or visit your nearest Circuit City Store.

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