D-Giuliano Ltd.- Great gift Ideas. Hand crafted Italian Imports including marble fruits and vegetables, porcelain flowers, fresco paintings, and Italian embroideries
D-Giuliano carries hand crafted long stem roses in several different colors
D-Giuliano carries marble fruits and vegetables all hands made from Italy. Fruits including- marble figs, apples, bananas, cheries, peaches, plums and many more
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Marble fruit
interior design
marble fruit-hand crafted from Italy porcelain flowers

Marble Friuts, Fresco Paintings, Porcelain Flowers - Capodimonte Style
Interior Design Articles

D-Giuliano is a wholesale supply company. As a wholesale supply company our goal is to provide a product at a lower cost without compromising quality. Minimum wholesale purchases are determined on a case by case basis.

Internet Shopping Ring D-Giuliano Ltd.
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