At Last! Got something you want to sell?...Are you looking to buy something?

"This is a killer service" Al Muff Welland Ontario

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Guaranteed risk-free and dynamic
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  • You'll love this, you don't even have to pay a news-stand price to read your own ad.

  • You will place your offering potentially in front of the whole world with a listing in The Free Garage Sale.

  • Take advantage of quick response turn-around time - With multiple daily updates there is no wasted time waiting weeks or months for newspapers or magazines to come out.

  • A Free Garage Sale Free Classifieds Ad stays in front of current readers from one month to one year. - Old style 'Print' ads are only good for the duration of the current issue. Your weekly newspaper ad is gone next week.

  • Save money! (and trees) - When you sell second hand you already lose through depreciation. Why give an unreasonable portion of what you do recover to an advertiser? Especially when you are often only getting a fraction of the articles' real value.

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You will get a powerful, one month, fifty word, ad - FREE! ( * limited to three ads ) You only pay when you want to have your ad stood out from the others.

This is achieved by display advertising or special attention getters such as bold letters, colors, hot-links to your page or picture, or more elaborate stand-out animations.  

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Animated graphics out perform by 5:1 non-animated graphics.
Why? Because, it's instinct to focus on movement.

Movement in the forest usually meant either food or danger, and caused man the hunter, like the animals, to freeze and gaze intently. We also utilize our inherent tendencies when moving through a forest of ads.

If you would like your ad to be differentiated with graphics, just indicate you want it stood out on the form.

As a way of saying thank you, your ad will stay on the main page a little longer than the free ones before being rotated to a continued page.

Tip...Bargain Hunters: Those who have purchased stand-out ads usually offer the best bet.

Simply because they prove they are both serious and anxious to sell by paying the fee with proven credit.
It assures you they are not "window shopping" their stuff to get an inflated price.

If your three month paid personal item ad is unsuccessful - it can be continued FREE for up to One Full Year.

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So aside from a voluntary fee as an investment to be noticed, ...You are not risking losing your shirt in an expensive no-sale.

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As Internet growth continues it is enabling others in your locality to join in. You may even find what you want close-by.

Get the best of both worlds - local content and instant worldwide reach. If you can read the Free Garage Sale- others in your town can too.

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The Free Garage Sale created by Doug Steinke

Doug Steinke - FGS Editor

210A Tansy Lane, Massey, Ontario 705-865-1890

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