
My name is Bella

We live in California

I LOVE being a mom! I think my kids are the greatest, and my life revolves around them.

My son Jordan!

He was born in April, 1996. I also have a daughter that was born in April 2001.

Here are some other pictures. Just click on them if you'd like to see the full picture.

My sweetie!

  • - I like creepy things...forensic files, ghosts, crime libraries, etc.
  • I love to sing and love to dance.


    I'm a lurker... I like to watch people...

      You can usually find me on Yahoo Messenger: isabellacellini

    I work from home, so I am usually online late at night, after my kids are in bed! I also have insomnia, so I goof around and stay up way too late.


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    Last updated 7~18~08


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