links I thinks
(Your best bet would be to not follow any links you find on any of these pages, they are more than likely outdated.  Just use the back button on your browser to return here. Sorry for the inconvenience)

 This 'n That

 Home of TinyDancer

 Broward County Youth Fair 1998
(or Grandpa and the Camel)

 Broward County Youth Fair 1999

 Remnants of Hurricane Irene

 Dance Recital Photo's 1998.

 Dance Competition 1999

 Kid Art

 The Y2K Microsoft Buddy

 A to Z's of South/Central Florida

 Picture Tour of Florida's Beaches

 Scouts Misc. 1


Sign My Guestbook! View My Guestbook!

These pages were created by M. Sly on 3/21/98. Updated periodically, sometimes often, sometimes not. All the pictures on any of these pages are either paid for by me, taken by me, or of me. They are not for use in any other place, or any other site. Most recent update: 12/30/99. Happy New Year, may 2000 bring joy and happiness to you all.

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