of World
Wide Web Singles Sites
Reporting the
Good, the Bad, and the Really Ugly
of Internet Introduction Services and Singles Sites

A Cupid's Network Affiliate
Your Gateway
to International Personals
Now with
over 250 sites reviewed.
you've come across any great or really ugly singles sites
please let us know.
Your comments and suggestions are always
If you'd like
your own site reviewed please e-mail us.
Most of the World Wide Web
sites listed below offer the postal addresses of women and/or
men for $10 (U.S.) each. If that cost varies we try to give
it to you. The sites are rated as follows:
***** - The Best
**** - Very Good
*** - Good
** - Fair
* - Just OK
- Bad, You've Been Warned
- The Really Ugly Singles Site of the Month
receives our new "Two Bagger Award"
The sites listed as FREE do not charge for
any postal and/or e-mail addresses. Some organizations offer
a free membership but you must pay to contact their members. Some
sites charge for some addresses while giving others away for
A word
of caution!
there have been a number of reports on television and in the
press about fraudulent activities of some or the
"Russian" singles sites. "Marketplace," a
Canadian TV program, did an investigative report on a number of
suspect operations. The Russian sites go to great length to
recruit new women. Some women have even been listed as
"marriage minded" when they applied for possible
positions as photo models. Marriage was not on their list of
"things to do." Even among the women who were
interested in marriage, many could speak no English whatsoever
(even though they were listed as English speaking) and a lot of
letters were thrown away unopened. Let the buyer beware.

* Baltic
Beauties Portfolio - PHOTOS
When we first tried to visit this site (July 1997) we found
it nowhere near ready for the Web. It's improved. The photos and
profiles are good but there are only 23 women listed and the
addresses start at a whopping $25 each! Most sites sell addresses
for $10. Try Cupidon -- a free service (below) and save yourself
some money. One reader has indicated to us that this site is run
by the same person who operates the sleazy TSM
below. (Oct 97)
** Cupidon
This site was incredibly slow when we last visited but is now
much improved. There are only 29 women listed. The photos are of
fair quality but the profiles are good. You can't beat the prices
though, you can e-mail these women for FREE. (Oct 97)
** Joy
Marriage Club - PHOTOS - FREE
No, not the "Joy Luck Club" -- the Joy Marriage Club.
This site offers listings of women mainly from St. Petersburg,
Russia. The site is quicker than when we last visited and the web
site has an amateurish look, but you can e-mail these women FREE
and some addresses and phone numbers are displayed online as
well. (Oct 97)
* Love-Com
We gave this site (which called itself www.LOVE.com) one star when we visited in March of '97. This is
probably one of the most aggravating sites you could imagine. You
have to view sponsors ad pages before searching profiles
what a concept! The members aren't even separated as to gender
here. The site is free though, if you can stand the commercials,
so we still give it one star. (Aug 97)
When we tried to look at the
catalog we got the following message. "You pointed your
browser to URL which doesn't exist any more or You are trying to
access the restricted area of our database." We wonder
what the webmaster is up to. (Oct 97)
In Touch II "The best
singles club on the Internet."
You must become a member here before using the service. We signed
up in March and again in August and we're still waiting
for our membership to be activated. Stay tuned, but don't hold
your breath. (Aug 97)
** P.S. I Love You International - PHOTOS
This service offers well arranged pages and a good search
feature. There are more than 1000 single women listed here,
mostly from Russia. The thumbnails here were fair and were
lacking in important information (see below), such as whether or
not the women have children. Personal videos are available for
all the women listed at $9.95 each.
(Jul 97)
Reader Feedback on P.S. I Love You
I agree with you that this site technically
is first-class. The search feature works great, the photos
are good, etc. But the profiles are misleading / incomplete.
I sent for some videos (they don't sell addresses) and here's
what I found:
- All of the women I selected had
children which was a fact not indicated on the
- None of the women worked at their
listed occupation, if they did work at all.
I know this because, interestingly enough,
the videos are very revealing and honest and much better than
a copy of a letter. I just wish that the site was also as
I hope this info is useful."
- G. G. from Georgia
**** Anastasia - PHOTOS
Hundreds of single women from Anastasia Magazine are featured
here. The biographical information is adequate and some of the
women have more than one photograph. Prices start at $20 per
address. Anastasia recently sent us review copies of their
magazine and video tapes. The magazine was first rate, while the
video was recorded at SLP which decreased the video quality
somewhat. The videos are worthwhile however. If a picture is
worth a thousand words a video must be ten thousand. It's
charming to hear some of the women making a valiant effort to
speak English. Their video bios aren't well rehearsed but we
think that's a good thing, it gives a very informal feeling to
them. (May 97)
Webmatch - "WebMatch is one of the only free dating
services on the net..."
Webmatch is not a free dating service. It's only free unless you
want to respond to an ad then it costs you money. Are we
missing something here? Webmatch seems to be offline a lot
lately, maybe for good yours and ours. There is a way you
can use Webmatch which will allow others to contact you without
buying their "love notes." Just put your e-mail address
in your ad. Readers will be able to contact you directly.
Webmatch also doesn't answer their e-mail,
which we find really strange for a company doing business on the
Internet. We've e-mailed them and have gotten no replies. We are
not the only ones, apparently read below.
Reader Feedback on Webmatch
"I have sent several questions in the
past to the staff at WebMatch, but never have gotten a
reply. They just don't give a darn. I have seen
references to this from other people too."
Steve from Seattle
"In hindsight, I wished that I had
come across your site several months ago and found the
information about Webmatch.com. Even though they say that
they are FREE and give 1 love note credit, to get any more
love notes one has to pay and arm and a leg. It is not worth
it. Even their message board called Backseat allows users to
post trash and plus they do not listen to or bother with
Arthur from Arkansas
We revisited Webmatch and found a new
promotion. If you join Webmatch's Premiere Club you get Unlimited
FREE LoveNotes. Expect to pay at least $15 a month to qualify for
these "free" love notes. (Oct 97)
***** Meet
Me Online - PHOTOS - FREE
Meet Me Online provides a top notch service to single men and
women from around the world (although most entries are from the
United States). The search function works better than it did in
March and their data base is getting a lot larger. The bios in
the personal ads are fair to good and there are a good number
with photographs. And you certainly can't beat the price. In
March we thought the header at the top of every page should be
made smaller, so you wouldn't have to scroll down to see the
personal ads. Maybe somebody is listening because the headers
have been fixed. This is one of the best sites made
better. (Oct 97)
CyberTimes - "Access
11 TOP Dating Sites 6 Months FREE!!!"
Another "free" offer. CyberTimes says on its site, "Pay
attention. All you need to do is copy down the reference code
"i4get" and you'll get 6 months added on to your
membership after you join." Apparently you have to
shell out some money to get the free six months membership. We
think that's pretty tacky. (Nov 97)
** Berezka
The Berezka site needs some work. To go to the
"Next" profile you click on "Previous." The
price is right though.(Oct 97)
USA - "America's Premiere
On-Line Dating Singles Network (FREE!)"
Sorry, we don't think Connections USA is a premier
anything. And they advertise themselves as being free on
Cupid.net. They aren't free, they charge $2.99 a minute to
contact members through their 900 phone number. Don't waste your
time! (Aug 97)
Personals - "FREE! Meet
local area singles! All 50 states"
The above quote is from Intronet's ad on cupid.net.
Free! Well, it ain't free and it ain't very good either. You have
to subscribe before you can contact members. You pay for a whole
year, and there are no refunds. (Aug 97)
Singles Library,
There are a lot of thumbnail photos here but many of them are
much too dark. Somebody has a big task ahead of them to repair
all the bad photos. The bios are hard to read too because of the
patterned background. We vote for a plain background to improve
legibility. Much of the bio information is displayed in all
capital letters another no-no. The search feature located
members close by and also a couple of thousand miles away from
the area code chosen. The Singles Library hasn't answered our
e-mail either. (Aug 97)
* International
Contacts - PHOTOS
If you are looking for organization, this site is not for you.
This site is a hodge podge and has very few members. It's slow
too. (Aug 97)
* Natali
There are no thumbnails to surf here, you have to go to each
person's individual profile to see the photos, but some do have
more than one. You can e-mail members without charge. All of the
members appear to have their own e-mail addresses through
USA.net. (Aug 97)
- * Action
Dateline -
"Action Date Hot Line (It's HOT)"
Well we don't think it's so hot, but we do think it's
expensive. It costs $2.49 per minute and you must be 18
or over to call their 900 number. (Mar 97)
- * Affection Connection
This is a very nicely put together site. Somebody
shelled out some money to have their side professionally
prepared -- an interesting concept. Some of the other
sites we reviewed here look like they were done by Bevis
and Butthead Associates. (Kewl. Heh-heh, heh-heh.)
Affection Connection listed only about 30 women online.
They want you to purchase their magazine, and that's what
you'll have to do if you want to contact any of these
women. (Feb 97)
- ** African American Home Page Singles
Connection - PHOTOS -
AAHP features bios and photos of single African American
men and women -- mostly from the United States. The
photos range from fair to good, but don't accompany all
the personal ads here. Fair to very good bio information
is given, and you can e-mail members for FREE. (Mar 97)
- *** Alisa - PHOTOS
There were about 230 single women from Russia and Eastern
Europe featured here when we visited. There were good
quality thumbnails which are linked to larger photos,
Sometimes there are additional larger photos available as
well. The bios mostly don't tell you if the women speak a
foreign language, and the bio text is in strange colors
that just make it difficult to read. Still, this is one
of the better sites we've reviewed, but the addresses are
a little pricey, starting at $20, with a minimum order of
two.(Feb 97)
Hottest Dateline!
Another addition to the long list of cheesy 900 phone
operations. With over 175,000 callers since June 1997 it
proves that P.T. Barnum was right. (Apr 97)
- * All For Love
Don't bother with this operation unless you really need
another 900 number phone service to call. (Mar 97)
- * Al
Zafaf Matrimonials
Al Zafaf provides an online service primarily for
Muslims. The bio information is only fair and there are
no photos. The system is FREE however. (Mar 97)
- ***** American Singles
This is the largest non-profit dating service in the
United States, with over 55,000 active members online.
There are good bio profiles written by the members and a
growing number of photos. This site is for both single
men and women. American Singles asks for a donation for
forwarding letters. (Feb 97)
- * Amigos
Amigos offers catalogs and
tours to Latin America to meet single Amigas. (Feb 97)
- * Amore - FREE
Membership is free for men and women while they are
adding to their very small database. (Mar 97)
This is a sample ad from Amoreee. Really! Have we ever
lied to you? "i'm 6 foot 9 and i have the best
looking face around -- I am a single male with blue eyes
and live in westmont. Ihave 1 dog ;he's i domation by the
name of duke. I work at Lee hospital and enjoy going to
fun places. If you like me just email me and i'll give
you a call Thank you." (Mar 97)
- * Amour
This is a service for both single men and single women.
You can't browse thumbnails here like you can at many
other singles sites. Clicking on a name brings up a page
with (usually) one or more photos. The bio information is
fair. (Mar 97)
- ** Anastasia
Contact Club - PHOTOS
When you first click on this site it might be a good time
to get a cup of coffee. When you get back the page just
might be finished loading. Then you have to click on
"Enter" which is probably what you wanted to do
in the first place. Then you have to make some choices on
setting up your browser and selecting the number of
thumbnail photos per page. (Yawn, are we there yet?)
There are hundreds of women listed here and some have
more than one photo. The photos range in quality from
poor to good and most women have at least two different
photos. The bio data falls a little short. We don't
believe this site is associated with the Anastasia site
listed above. (Feb 97)
- * Animal Lovers Connection
This is a site for single men and women who love house
pets and other animals. The bio information is fair, and
membership is $10. (Mar 97)
- ** Ark
Electronic Shadchenter
This site is a Jewish International
introductions and dating database. (Mar 97)
- * AsiaWest
You must become a member of AsiaWest before you are
permitted to browse the listings. (Feb 97)
- * Asian
Is that all there is?! There were only 18 Oriental women
listed here, although the pages were pleasantly designed.
There was limited biographic information, but large, good
quality photographs. (Feb 97)
- * Asian
Introduction Service -
Many oriental women are featured. The first photo page
takes long to load but has over 300 thumbnail photographs
you can browse. Complicated purchasing arrangement for
addresses and limited bio data. (Feb 97)
- * Asian Lady
International - PHOTOS -
"Click to Enter"
When we clicked on the link we got, "GREAT!! You
Found Us...... "CLICK TO ENTER." That's what we
just did -- clicked here to enter, why do we have to do
it again? When we did we then got two more choices:
"Take this "LINK" to "THE BEST"
Adult entertainment on the web." and "Take this
"LINK" to The Asian Lady Introduction." We
clicked on Asian Lady and got, another screen which only
had the link, "ENTER HERE." Dang -- finally to
the Main Page. When at last we got to the listings there
were many pages to view but all the photos were black and
white and fuzzy. The bio information is poor and we had
to scroll horizontally (even at 800 x 600 resolution!) to
see everything. You can, however, get all of the
addresses available on the site for only $30. (Feb 97)
- * Asian
Rose Tours - PHOTOS
Asian Rose offers tours to the Philippines and pen pal
introductions. It's a poorly designed site. You have to
be a detective to find the women's listings here. The
addresses are $3.95 but he bios were poor and the
thumbnails didn't link to larger images. Also, you can't
really tell how many listings are here without paging
through the entire catalog. (Feb 97)
- ** Assol - PHOTOS
This is another
Russian site. Is "Assol" a term of endearment
there? The service is FREE for some of the women
listed -- their addresses are displayed on the screen.
Others cost $10. The server here is also very slow. (Mar
- * Atlanta
Singles - PHOTOS
Personal ads mainly form the Atlanta, Georgia are
featured here. The service is for both single men and
women. The bios vary widely in the amount of information
given and the photos vary in quality as well. Not many
people are listed here as well. (Mar 97)
- *** Beautiful Ladies From Russia - PHOTOS - "High
reputation of our company guarantees your success."
Guess what? Only
single, very attractive single Russian women are listed
here. There are good thumbnails and larger photos. The
bios are good as well. (Mar 97)
- * Big Apple Dating - "s*f self-confideny"
We thought New York City would come up with something a
little saucier than this -- this is a sample ad, except
for the "dweeb" part:
(email) dweeb@555.1212
"(sex) Male
(age) 24
(height) 5'5
(weight) 160
(race) white
(from) long island
(seeking) Female
swm 5'5 bl/bl looking for s*f that is self-confideny
intelligent and secure with self for new adventures
good times"
Let the good times roll! At least this place is
free, that's something isn't it? (Mar 97)
- ** Catholic
Alumni Clubs International
The CAC is intended
for single, Catholic professionals. To qualify for
membership you must be single, Catholic, free to marry in
the Church, have a two- or four-year college degree or
equivalent or be a registered nurse. Membership is also
open to non-college graduates. Local CACs may impose
stricter membership requirements, such as requiring a
four-year degree. Not very consistent rules are they?
(Mar 97)
Cebu-USA Correspondence Club
You wanted ugly -- you got it. This one is really
ugly -- it's another, "CLICK" to
Enter" site! This place should be called, "The
Annoying Animated Graphics Web Site."

Don't animations like these give you a headache?! And it
would be nice if they told you Cebu was part of the
Philippines. If you don't believe us, like Yogi Berra
said, "You could look it up!" The addresses
start at $3. Try Cherry Blossoms (below) instead. We've
nominated this site for a place of honor at "Web
Pages That Suck." (Feb 97)
- * Canadian And American Datelines
Another 900 phone operation. (Mar 97)
- **** Candlelight Connection - PHOTOS - FREE
This appears to be a clone of American Singles. This site
is for both single men and women. They ask for a donation
if you send them letters for forwarding. You can e-mail
members for FREE. (Mar 97)
- ** Chance Light - PHOTOS
This site serves the Chance Marriage Agency in
Russia. There wasn't much here when we visited and it's
so slow we wonder why they didn't get a mirror site with
a better server. Good bios and photos of the single women
listed but there aren't many of them. Is that why it's
Chance Light? (Mar 97)
- ***** Cherry
Blossoms - PHOTOS
One of the original international introduction service's,
Cherry Blossoms has been around for over twenty years and
has resulted in over 10,000 marriages. It's recently come
to the Net and it's amazing. There are thousands of
listings, photos, and a great search function. Cherry
Blossoms is one of the best. (Feb 97)
- ** Chinese Dating Net - PHOTOS - FREE
The Chinese Dating Net features men and women from around
the world. There are a few photos with the personal ads
but you can contact people for FREE via e-mail. (Mar 97).
Girls Dating Service
You have to be a paid up member to view any profiles
online here. China Girls also says, "You can
join for free!" When we filled out the
application we were told we had to pay a
three-month membership costs $30. What you get for that
$30 is access to the bios of "24 girls." They
don't say whether you also get their addresses. If you're
interested in single Chinese women we recommend you try Cherry
Blossoms instead. (Apr 97)
- * Christian Connections Matchmaker
This is a Christian matchmaking service. We might have
rated it higher but for its questionnaire. (Mar 97)
- * Christian Contact Line
Offers Christian singles' ads online. There are no
photos. (Mar 97)
- * Christian Dateline
This is for Christians who like
900 phone numbers -- a very small, select group. (Mar 97)
- ** Christian
This is a service for single
Christian men and women mainly in the United States.
Christian Singles offers a mail-forwarding service as
well as contact by telephone. The bio information is fair
to good but only a few listings have photographs. (Feb
International Introduction's
Christina's offers to sell videos of eligible women
from South America. They also offer an Executive Search
service for $349.95. Apparently you don't have to be an
executive, but you do need the 350 bucks. They say they
guarantee each video, "features 60 serious,
marriage-minded ladies," but a few lines down
they guarantee, "It is our policy to not ship a
video unless at least 45 ladies are available..."
So do they guarantee sixty or at least forty five?! This
company can't even punctuate its own name correctly.
Their banner says, "Christina's International
Introduction's." Let's get the apostrophe out of
here. (Feb 97)
- * Club
Prima "The World
Leader In The International Introductions To The Most
Beautiful And Sincere Women In The World." -
Wow, check out Prima's home page. Kind of makes you wish
you had a monochrome monitor doesn't it?! Club Prima
features 24 single Russian women online. You'll have to
order their catalog for more. One of Club Prima's pages
says, "The women, many of who are blue or green
eyed blondes, redheads, and brunettes, are remarkably
similar in appearance to American ladies (but without the
attitude)." Boy, these guys are going out on a
limb. (Feb 97)
- * Club Victoria - PHOTOS - "P.S. Please, don't
accompany your messages with the return of our
advertisenemts and photos. Don't send to us the
advetisements of your goods and services. Thank
So says Club Victoria. We have yet to figure out just
what this site is offering. If you figure it out please
let us know, and remember, don't send them any
advertisements! (Feb 97)
This one is ugly. You must fill out a profile before
using the system at Compumatch. The profile builder was
broken when we visited in March. We sent e-mail advising
them of the problem but received no response. We tried
again in April and this time the profile entry went OK.
When we clicked on a potential match we got the message, "You
can view as many profiles as you wish for free. How ever
in order to protect your privacy and the privacy of other
users, NetMatch provides this service only for holders of
Tokens." And guess what you'll have to
spend at least $24 before reading any profiles, "for
free." We e-mailed Compumatch about this and we'll
keep you posted, just don't hold your breath until we
hear back from them. (Apr 97)
- ** Contact
International - PHOTOS
About 60 single women from around the world are listed,
mostly from the Philippines. Twenty or so single men were
also listed here. Fair to good bio information and fair
to good photos. (Mar 97)
- * Correspondence Club '70 - PHOTOS
Listings of ladies from Russia, Europe, Asia and
worldwide. The membership fee of the club is $70 which
gets you magazines and addresses. You can't browse
profiles or photos online. (Feb 97)
- ** Cupid's
Approximately 40 single Russian women are featured on
Cupid's Arrows, up from about a dozen in February. The
bios are OK but don't see the entire bio until you click
on a woman's name. The photos range from fair to good.
Cupid's Arrows states, "Please, E-Mail us! Cupid
Always Answers." We e-mailed them and were
surprised to receive a reply within the hour! (Apr 97)
- * Cupid's
Corner - PHOTOS
This site for single men and women mainly from the U.S.
charges $9.95 for a one month membership. The bios vary
widely in their quality. (Mar 97)
- *** Cupid's
One of the largest collections of dating relating
resources on the Internet. This is a gateway to other
companies and another good starting point for locating
singles sites.
(Feb 97)
- * Cupid's
Cupid's Personals has listings
for men and women from around the United States. The
personal ads are categorized by telephone area codes.
There are no photos and bio information varies widely in
its quality. (Mar 97)
- ** Cupid's
Women Of The World -
Features many women from around the globe. This site is
on the same network as Cupid's Network above. Over 200
women were listed and all had photographs, which usually
were of good quality. The site is difficult to browse
quickly, but has above average biographic information.
- * Cyber Pages Singles Club - PHOTOS - FREE
This is a FREE service for both single men and single
women. It does need some basic reorganization however.
(Mar 97)
- * Cybermate
International - PHOTOS
Many listings had "PHOTO NOT YET AVAILABLE"
plastered to one side. This site features both single men
and women but aims mainly at the state of Arizona. You
make your contact through a 900 phone number. (Feb 97)
Cyberpersonals from St. Petersburg
Another, "where's the beef?!" site. (Mar 97)
- * Czech
Partners For Life - PHOTOS
This site lists women from Czechoslovakia and the
Ukraine. There are about 36 from each country. The
photographs range in quality from poor to good and the
ordering procedure is unnecessarily confusing. See how
quickly you can find the cost of a single address -- on
second thought, don't waste your time. (Feb 97)
- * Date
Date Maker covers about half of the states in the U.S.
You make contact by calling a 900 phone number. (Mar 97)
- * Date.Net
Date Trader Net - PHOTOS
This site is for both men and women. Listings are from
many countries but mainly the United States and Canada.
There are few photos but generally plenty of biographical
information. Membership is by subscription. Inexpensive.
(Mar 97)
- * Dateline
A three-month membership to Dateline costs $27. There's
not much on the Internet except a form to print and mail
in. (Mar 97)
- ** Dateline's
Island Girls - PHOTOS
Pages of photos and bios of island ladies. The
"islands" are from all over the world,anywhere
from Malaysia and Indonesia to the Caribbean and even
Singapore. Many of the bios are charming and seem to be
taken directly from the women's applications to dateline.
Addresses are $5 each (minimum order $20) or $75 for the
entire list! (Mar 97)
- ** Dateline's World-Wide Connections - PHOTOS
Much the same as Dateline's Island Girls site above --
even with listings from Singapore and Costa Rica. Canada
and a few other countries are also represented. There are
also a few listings of men. (Feb 97)
- * Domino
The server for this site is located in the Ukraine --
that means it's slow or dead. (Domino... they make Domino
sugar from molasses don't they?) We finally got some data
after four days trying. We think they're running a
networked system of Commodore 64s. Domino's is just not
worth the wait. (Feb 97)
- ** Don't Be
Alone Services -
This service says, "You have the option of
loading the file of any lady. The only thing in common to
the ladies belong to this group was the cronological
order of incoming, in other words, there are not any
common feature among ladies belong this group."
Heh, Incoming, INCOMING! That quote from Don't Be Alone
really rolls off the tongue doesn't it? We don't know
why, but we like this site anyway. It's ancient, it's
been around since 1995! Really, there are listings from
1995. Trust us. Have we ever lied to you? There's tons
and tons of stuff here (but then again, we just got
through looking at Domino's). Many sites use thumbnail
photos to get your attention, Don't Be Alone uses some
pinkynail images too. And when you click on some
pinkynails you get another pinkynail, which is the same
darn thing without a colored border. Still, we like this
operation. Maybe we're just suckers for names like
Svetlana, Natalia, Ekaterina, and Natasha (Do all Russian
women's first names end in an "a"?) (Feb 97)
- **** Dream
Girls - PHOTOS
The Dream Girls are selected as "the prettiest of
all the women listed on Scanna's
home page booklets," and
who are we to argue.
Dream Girl from Sweden.
Dream Girl from Romania.
The pictures above are thumbnail photos from the 'Dream
Girls.' Clicking on the thumbnails brings up larger
images on their site. The bios are pretty good too. You
have to go to the Scanna home page for
ordering. (Feb 97)
- ** Edgerton
International Connections
This site had about 200 listings of Russian women. The
thumbnails were good and linked to large photos. The bios
were poor -- only name, age, height and weight were
listed. Edgerton says the price for all 268 listings is
$69.90 plus shipping -- that would get you about seven
addresses at other sites. (Feb 97)
Een Personal Ad Department
You have to be a member here before browsing the site.
Unfortunately the sign-up area wasn't working when we
visited -- two weeks in a row! We e-mailed them about the
problem and we are now holding our breath. (Mar 97)
- * Elegy
International -
Over 100 Russian women are featured on Elegy. The
thumbnails are of good quality and there are larger
photos as well. The bios were only fair. (Mar 97)
- *** E-mail Encounters By Photo-Date - PHOTOS - FREE
This is a FREE service for single men and women
from around the globe. The bios are better than average
and photos are fair to good. You reply via e-mail.
(Mar 97)
- * Encounters
International - PHOTOS -
"These women have a different outlook on life and
marriage. They are less materialistic than their American
counterparts and are more family oriented. As wives, they
desire to build a loving home, follow their husband's
lead, and stick with the marriage, even when times get
tough or things stop being "fun"."
We haven't always been able to connect here and when we
have it's been slow. Encounters features a few listings
from their magazine. The photos are quite good and the
bio information is about par. (Feb 97)
- * Euroconex
International - PHOTOS
"New listings here soon." Don't you just hate
it when you click on a page number and get pages with,
"New listings here soon"? We know we sure do,
and this site has a number of surprises like that.
Euroconex featured over 100 listings of Russian and
European women and had fair bio information and photos
ranging from good to "mug shot" quality. Some
pages were blank, some list only one woman, while others
listed five or more. There is also a need for a new look
for this site -- it looks like it was thrown together in
an hour. Addresses are $10 with a minimum order of $30.
(Feb 97)
- * European
Connections - PHOTOS
European connections "photo catalog" features
four count 'em, four photos of Russian
women from their catalog. You can't do much more than
that here. No bios are available, just a pitch to sell
you their catalog. Just for laughs try downloading the
order file talk about a cockamamie way to print a
file. We followed the instructions and the order form was
all out of kilter. (Feb 97)
- * Filipina Dream Girls - PHOTOS
Features usually poor quality snapshots of Filipina
women. The photos are large (70-90k) and load slowly. The
bio material is part of the graphic. There are no
thumbnails to browse, but the addresses are only $2 each
with no shipping and handling. (Feb 97)
- * Filipina
Pen Pals - PHOTOS
An odd-ball, graphically-challenged web site with
listings of Filipina women seeking pen pals. The photos
are mostly poor in quality but there is fair bio
information. There are also links for purchasing of
naughty videos. Tsk, tsk, tsk. (Feb 97)
- * Filipina
Write-Match - PHOTOS
This site offers introductions to women of the
Philippines. There are photos of fair quality and
adequate bio information for the listings. Addresses are
as inexpensive as $3 each and there is a minimum order of
$15. (Feb 97)
- * Fire and
Passion - PHOTOS
Features about 120 Brazilian women with nine thumbnail
photos per page. You have to view the pages successively
though, which is a disadvantage. There are some broken
links that need repair -- the site seems to stop at page
14. (Feb 97)
- * Florida Fedorova
This site features 26 photographs, generally of good
quality,of women who appear to be mainly from Russia.
After you become a member you can receive bio information
and addresses. The whole thing is needlessly complicated
and probably turns a lot of people off -- it did us. (Feb
- ***** Foreign
Affair - PHOTOS
Russian, Asian, Latin American, and European women are
listed here -- well over 1000 of them. You'll have
difficulty finding a site with more complete bio
information and better photos. There are thumbnails and
larger photos as well -- often two or three. The pages
load quickly enough, and we looked for something we'd
like to change. We decided that would be nit picking, and
we'll have to save some of the nits for the sites that
follow. We don't want to run out. This is one of the
better singles sites you'll find. Check it out. (Feb 97)
- ***** Foreign
Relations - PHOTOS
Foreign Relations is a very professional site
offering listings of both single women and men from
around the globe. The site is very well organized and
quite large. Russia alone had more than 2,500 listings
with 90 new ones added on February 21, 1997. The only
thing we'd like to see added is a search feature like the
one available on Cherry Blossoms. Large sites like this
could really use one. The thumbnails are fairly small but
load quickly and link to good-sized photos and the bio
information is good. You can even order additional photos
and a copy of the applicant's original letter for many
people listed on Foreign Relations. This is one of the
best sites reviewed here.
(Feb 97)
- *** Forever
Yours -
Forever Yours features Filipina women and has an unique
thumbnail browser in a frame. For $24.95, you receive the
photos, bios, and addresses (phone numbers, if available)
of the 200 women listed. (Mar 97)
- * Fortuna -
PHOTOS - FREE - "We work individually with
forein clients in the office to the mutual benefit."
This is a FREE service so we can't be too hard on them,
can we? Much as we might like to. It's on one of the
slowest servers we've come across. (Feb 97)
- * Free Love Personals By E-Mail
Free love -- is that on oxymoron or what? This free love
costs $9.95 for 13 weekly mailings. You apparently get
personal ads taken from Usenet Newsgroups -- Free Love
Personals gets them for free, sorts and organizes some of
them and sends them on to you -- for a price. Such a
deal. At least there are no 900 phone numbers. (Feb 97)
- * Friend Finder
A singles service for both men and women from around the
globe. You must first become a member (it's FREE) before
contacting other members. (Mar 97)
- * Friends And Lovers - FREE
Free personal ads for men and women. Sun signs are even
listed. (Mar 97)
- ** Friendship Office - PHOTOS
The Friendship Office features women from Asia, Russia,
North & South America. Good photographs and fair
bios. All 126 addresses are available for $69. (Mar 97)
GeoDate - "Please
allow time for the pages to down-load. They are WELL
worth it!
Oh no they're not. The GeoDate pages are some of the
worst we've ever seen. This site offers error messages
such as, "Mapping Server Error: This server
encountered an error: Couldn't open configuration file:
/geodate/public_html/ads/navbar2.map." The site also
features terrible graphics, a slow server, few members,
and a weird concept. (Feb 97)
Met On The Net
Men and women are listed on this site. The server was
unusually slow and the search function gave us matches
from all over the U.S. instead of the single area code we
chose. Not ready for prime time. (Mar 97)
- ** Gimeney International Agency - PHOTOS
A Russian marriage agency featuring good photos and bios.
Addresses in the 5/6/96 update are FREE -- others are
$10. (Mar 97)
- * Girls Of Honduras - PHOTOS
This outfit lists over a hundred women from Honduras.
The photos are of generally poor quality (too dark) and
there is limited bio data online. The addresses start at
$5. The site also has a listing of Russian women whose
address start at $10. Hmm... (Feb 97)
- * Global Introductions
Global Introductions features single man and women from
around the world. They do the matchmaking for you. A
three month trial membership for $29 gets you thirty
computer matches. (Mar 97)
- ** Global
Village Love Connection -
This site -- from what little we've seen -- shows
promise. It was a little faster than when we visited
last. the photos and bios are fair to good. (Mar 97)
- * Heart Of Asia - PHOTOS
A service listing single women mainly from Asia. The
thumbnails pages are strange, with some women shown
multiple times in identical photos -- all hot linked. You
can't "browse forward" either -- an irritation.
The thumbnails are very fuzzy as well. Addresses start at
$17 for three. (Mar 97)
- *** Heart Fires International - PHOTOS - "Life in x-ussr... has left
these ladies untouched and unspoiled by the ideas of
western feminism."
Heart Fires features unspoiled single women of the former
Soviet Union. The bios are fairly well done and there are
good quality photos. The addresses are sold for $10 each
but you can also e-mail three women for free to get
started. (Apr 97)
- * Heart
To Heart International -
The sites gives you thumbnails only and brief bios of
women, mainly from Russia. Electronic version of their
print magazine. Addresses are $10 each. (Feb 97)
To Heart Introductions
You fax or mail in your questionnaire to this singles
service. We e-mailed them to ask what the costs are --
twice. We're still waiting for a response. Apparently
e-mail requests are ignored on this Internet site. (Mar
- * Homestead
This site has little online but offers it's printed
publications for sale. (Feb 97)
Hot Hot Hot Dating Page
Not Not Not! This is just another expensive 900 phone
service. (Apr 97)
Apparently this service has just a home page. Incredible!
The home page did look cute though. (Mar 97)
Inetrnational (sic) Club of Lonely
Hearts! -
"Tis page is under construction yet. Visit us a bit
This site was last modified Oct 31, 1996 and it's still
under construction. (May 97)
- * Indian
Matrimonial Link -
Provides a FREE matrimonial service for the Asian-Indian
community. (Mar 97)
- * Indolink
Matrimonial Ads - FREE
Free matrimonial ads -- if you can find them. (Mar 97)
- * Intercontact Marriage Agency
Intercontact states that their agency, "... provides
absolutely free services for responsible and responsive
foreign men." Doesn't absolutely free mean FREE?
Here absolutely free means $10 per address. The text was
difficult to read on the overpowering background this
site used. (Mar 97)
- ** Intermingle - FREE
A promising looking site serving men and women. Good
bios. This is a FREE service. (Mar 97)
- * International Connections - PHOTOS
The thumbnails here are of fair to poor quality and some
are distorted. There are larger photographs to view and
the bio information is about average. (Feb 97)
International Contacts - PHOTOS - "This club was created with
the end of helping the people of the world to find their
ideal company. Every time that we know of a new encounter
that is carried out us for our activity, it fill of
satisfaction for go on."
That's quite a mouthful isn't it? International Contacts
offers membership but little else on the Internet.
Quoting from their page, "International Contacts
is a membership organization. We must qualify you before
admittance. You must be financially secure, legally
unmarried and able to travel and date freely. We reserve
the right to perform a background investigation on any
new or existing member." Big Brother is
watching. We requested membership information via e-mail
on March 17, 1997. When we get a response we'll let you
know how you too can qualify. (Feb 97)
- * International
Dating Service - PHOTOS
Good luck at finding where you start browsing -- you're
going to need it. Once you pass "Go" this site
gets better. It's actually pretty well arranged. Oriental
women were the main attraction here and there was better
than average good bios and good quality thumbnails and
larger photos. Unfortunately we couldn't find more than
15 listings here. (Mar 97)
- * International
Dating Service - PHOTOS
An international dating and marriage service for American
and European men wishing to meet oriental girls for
correspondence, love and marriage. (Mar 97)
- * International Dating Services - A dating service featuring oriental women.
Good bio information but only about 25 women are listed.
Snapshot photos of each. (Feb 97)
- * International
Email Club
Membership is $10 per
month. (Mar 97)
- * International
Introductions, Inc -
Poor quality black and white photographs and difficult to
read, as well as very limited, bio profiles. All the
listings here of Filipina women. (Feb 97)
- ** International
Introductions USA - PHOTOS
Listed here are women from the format Soviet Union. The
thumbnails are of only fair quality but all are linked to
larger photos. The bio data is good and the server this
site is on seems to be very quick. The Order Form
indicates a minimum order of four addresses is required
but doesn't say how much they are. (Feb 97)
- * International
Marriage Agency - PHOTOS -
This site featured about 25 listings of Russian women.
Most had multiple photos and fair biographic information.
You can e-mail the women listed for FREE. (Feb 97)
- * International
Singles Mall
A new service for Christian singles. For the next three
months the International Singles Mall is extending FREE
memberships to females 18 - 25 years old and males over
50. The cost for this free membership is $5.95. (Mar 97)
- * Interationales
This site is in both German and English. In the left
frame you must scroll down to see the "Info in
English" link. That should really be up top, so you
can see it right away. If this was a French site having
an English version might be illegal -- you know the
French, but don't get us started. This site warns, "Let´s
say the received data are not thougt up and the ladies
are also actually in search of a man, so the first
problem is the contact. If you write a letter to Russia
it possibly don´t arrive. For often post from the west
is purloined when there are supposedly cash or checks in
it." It's not so easy to understand even in
English, is it?
You have to browse this site through an inadequate search
system. There are black and white photos of good quality
and fair bio information. Russian women are featured.
(Feb 97)
- *** Internet
Computer-Dating Service
This is a free matchmaking service by Yaron Mayer
Computer Services. The questionnaire is not user friendly
to load or fill out. It's still a DOS (read Stone Age)
application. The questionnaire is very through but the
printout you receive is difficult to understand. It needs
work, but still this is a good service. (Mar 97)
- ** Internet
Introductions - PHOTOS
About 40 Russian and Ukrainian women were featured here.
There were good thumbnails linked to quite large color
photos, the bio information was quite good too.
"Portfolios," start at $15. You'll have to do
your own research to find out what's in a portfolio. It's
not on the order page where it should be. (Feb 97)
- ** Internet Personals - PHOTOS - FREE
A FREE service for single men and women from around
the world. The bio information varies widely and there
are few photos. (Mar 97)
- * Internet Singles - FREE
This service features listings for both men and women.
Bios range from poor to very good but there are no
photos. FREE for women and there is a FREE trial period
for men. (Mar 97)
- ** Intershava - PHOTOS
A Russian Marriage Agency featuring good photos and bios.
(Mar 97)
- ** introducing.com - PHOTOS
This site -- for both men and women -- features some
really excellent bios. There are a few photos as well and
the site is very well put together. Unfortunately there
weren't many people listed here. (Mar 97)
- ** Introductions By Irina - PHOTOS
Over 100 single Russian women are listed on
Introductions By Irina. There is good bio material and
large and generally sharp thumbnails. (Mar 97)
- * Islamic Matrimonial Service
Bis-Millah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Rahmeen. We can't help you with
this one.(Mar 97)
- ** Jewels
Of Russia
More annoying animations on
this site. Fairly good sized photos ore on display here,
and the bio profiles are pretty good, but there were only
25 listings here when we visited. Addresses start at $5
each. (Mar 97)
- ** Jewish International Matchmaking Service
Not many listings but good photos and bio information.
(Mar 97)
- *** Jewish Quality Singles
This site looks
promising. There are no thumbnails and the bio
information is lacking but this is a new operation and we
like the look of it -- so far. (Mar 97)
- ** Jewish
Single Women Seeking Professional Men Who Enjoy Sporting
Activities Through The Year
This site serves Jewish womyn in search of a mensch for
all seasons. (Apr 1 96)
- ** Katyusha - PHOTOS
We always thought Katyusha was the name of the
rockets terrorists used against Israel from southern
Lebanon. Anyway, you'll find fairly good photos and good
bios here. (Mar 97)
Lace International
International receives our "Two Bagger Award"
for 'really really ugly.'
When She Sings, It's Over!
Ahh... Grist for the mill! This is a bad one! So bad it's
almost good (keyword - almost). Lace International says,
"The ladies of LACE come from all over the world and
we have structured our web site so as to allow our male
membership to search for the lady who matches their exact
expectations." Actually of the just over 30
women listed here, all are from the United States except
two. We didn't see much structure here either -- just
goofy graphics and bilious backgrounds.
As you might guess, contact is made through a 900 phone
number. Lace tells prospective male members -- listen up,
"IF YOU ARE NOT a single male, gainfully
employed, with a salary exceeding Forty-Thousand U.S.D.,
do not waste your time looking at these discriminating
and beautiful young ladies." If you are a woman
however, and want to be listed here, the only requirement
is that you "look good in a lace negligee."
They are obviously flexible in decision making on the
"looking good" part -- one woman weighs 180
lbs. We wonder why she's one of the few without a photo.
Lace International says, "This web site is not
for everyone." They're right about that -- but
we don't think it's for anyone. (Feb 97)
Ladies of
Russia - PHOTOS (temporarily offline)
At this site e-mail addresses only are sold for a
whopping $25 each! There were only 27 women listed. The
site is arranged better than most, although there isn't
any thumbnail index page. One woman says, "I am
Russian girl. I am 32, but I am looking younger. I
haven't been ever married. I have no children. My growing
is 159cm, my weight is 50 kg. I am a kind, modest. I like
the life, like to sing, to read, to dance. I work in
school, I like to teach children. I know English very
well..." We wonder why the webmaster doesn't
clean up the English a bit. There are numerous typos as
well. We give them an 'E' for Effort.(Jul 97)
- * Lantana International Agency - PHOTOS
Don't waste your time here. There were thumbnail photos
here to browse, you just have to find them first. There
were also supposed to be profiles, we couldn't find any.
Maybe they are talking about photos taken from the side,
but we couldn't find any of those either. There were
about 8 women listed, maybe more -- this site needs some
very basic organizing. We requested a secure order form
(for their catalog) but the document "contained no
data." (Feb 97)
- ** Latinas! International Introductions - PHOTOS
There aren't many single women listed here yet, but the
bios, thumbnails, and larger photos are above average.
(Apr 97)
- ** Latin
Life Mates - PHOTOS
Very good photos are featured on Latin Life Mates. Over
100 women were listed when we reviewed this site. The
thumbnail pages load quickly (some thumbnails are
distorted) and are linked to very good quality larger
photos. The bio information however, is under par. You'll
have to be a member to correspond with these ladies,
memberships range from $250 and up. (Feb 97)
- *** Latin
Magic Introductions -
This is a very good looking web site. There were more
than 150 women listed on Latin Magic. The thumbnails are
small and the larger photos not as large as other sites,
but the quality is good, and the bio information is
adequate as well. (Feb 97)
- * Latin
You must become a member of Latin Singles before you can
view any profiles online. Membership to this club is $49
with a $10 monthly charge after the first month. (Feb 97)
- ** Latvia Pen Friends - PHOTOS - FREE
A listing of Latvian people of all ages looking for pen
pals, etc. This is a FREE service providing adequate
photos and bios of the people listed. (Feb 97)
- * LDS
This is a Later Day Saints' (Mormons) singles' service. A
one month membership is $7. (Mar 97)
- * Life-Mates - PHOTOS
There were about 150 Filipina women listed when we
visited this site. The pages loaded quite quickly and
there were good photographs and fair bio profiles.
Life-Mates says their site is, "For U.S.
Citizen/Residents only! - No exceptions!" Also,
no single addresses are sold, you must buy a package.
Packages start at $69.95. (Feb 97)
Lifemates -
"Remember you saw it here 1st. Bookmark Now --
AAA-Lifemates, Nonprofit Org. Matchmaker Introductions
Worldwide Serious Ladies"
Totally weird. Lifemates offers 5 addresses for a
"contribution" of $25. (It's a non-profit
organization.) You can get other information for
"contributions" of up to $150. For a
contribution of $9 you can get, "Tips on how to
write effective. letters to FILIPINA & other overseas
ladies. Remember. in the beginning you need to send a
lot, not write a lot. of cards & letters."
(Feb 97)
- ** Life Together - PHOTOS
Life Together features single men and women from the
former Soviet Union and surrounding countries. The bios
are fair but the photos are often poor, and there are a
number of broken links on the site. Addresses start at
- * L.I.S.A. -
PHOTOS - "World's Best Friendship Club"
Lifemates International Services Association features a
lists Filipina women. The fees ($5 per address) are given
to the Phil/Am Society of Mansota Scholarship Fund. It's
tough surfing here, the photos and bio information are
contained in one graphic file. The bios range from poor
to good. (Feb 97)
- * Lifetime
Partners - PHOTOS
This site has quick loading thumbnails of quality ranging
from poor to good. There are larger photos of the listees
(single Russian women) and the bio information is fair to
poor. To obtain addresses you'll have to become a member
-- which will cost you $500. (Feb 97)
- ** Living Waters - PHOTOS
Living Waters is a service for single Christian
men and women. There is a one-time membership fee of $20
to join. The bios vary widely in the amount of
information given and there are only a few personal ads
with photos. (Mar 97)
- * Love
And Romance - PHOTOS
Women from around the world are featured on this site.
There were single photographs for some profiles and
multiple photos with others. The bio information was fair
to good. (Feb 97)
- * Love
Connection - PHOTOS
This is one of the few sites we've seen which even has
fuzzy photos on its home page. They're consistent though.
The thumbnails are fuzzy too, as are the large photos
they are linked to. The bio information ranges from fair
to good. Addresses, and phone numbers (where possible)
are available in a package of 20 for $29. (Feb 97)
- * Love Connection Plus, The - PHOTOS - "We're Canada's favourite,
largest and best internet dating site!" TLC+ is
a singles site featuring both single men and women The
search function worked very slowly, at first we thought
it was broken. It costs $25 for e-mail access to ten
members. The bios are good but the photos are few and far
between. (Mar 97)
- * LOYL
- Love Of Your Life
You must buy this site's catalog -- either a hardcopy or
a downloadable file -- before you can view the profiles
and photographs of the women featured. (Mar 97)
- * Luckyman - PHOTOS
Luckyman lists ladies and men from all over the world.
You browse this site by using the search function. The
photos and bio information are good. this service
requires the purchase of a $500 membership. (Feb 97)
- *** Match.com - PHOTOS
Match.com is a good place for US and Canadian single men
and women to get together. The service offers a 10-day
free trail. After that membership costs $9.95 per month.
There are good bios and a growing number of photographs
but the best feature here is a very good search function.
Also there are already a great number of members online.
It's a good idea to leave your own e-mail address in any
messages you leave so people can contact you directly
instead of going through Match.com's mail system.
- * Modern
A dating service for single
men and women. The system's search is awkward and there
are only fair bios. (Mar 97)
- **
Meeting Pointe, The
- "Where Friends Meet for Life"
The Meeting Pointe is something new and out of the
ordinary. At first we thought it was an Internet dating
service in the form of a virtual lounge or night club.
After taking the virtual tour we are wondering if this is
a real live-world place. Apparently it is. The Meeting
Pointe is close to the ABC Entertainment Complex and the
Century City Marketplace Theatres. Oh... New York
why didn't they say so. It's amazing how many businesses
think the Internet reaches no farther than their own city
or town. The Meeting Pointe does look interesting though.
We don't know how much membership costs but we'll bet
it's more than $10. They even provide a personal Web page
service for members. Who knows, maybe you'll meet O.J.
there. (Apr 97)
Meet Market BBS
A 900 phone number operation. (Mar 97)
Meet Market Online Dating Service
A 900 phone number operation. (Mar 97)
Michiana Cyberconnect - PHOTOS
This site is for Michiganders and Hoosiers and others
from thereabouts. It's a little ugly. (Mar 97)
- ** MiNat - PHOTOS
Russian women are listed on MiNat. There are no
thumbnails but there are quite a few members. There are
generally at least two larger photos on the bio page. The
bio information is only fair. (Mar 97)
- * Muslim
Matrimonial Link
Fair to good bio information of single Muslim men and
women from around the world. (Mar 97)
- * Netfolk
Personals 2.1 - PHOTOS -
Netfolk is a FREE service
for men and women from around the world. There are no
photos available, but the bio information is usually
good. You must become a member, at no charge, to e-mail
other members. (Feb 97)
Net Town is new too new to be on the Net.
They aren't even finished inventing it yet. They have
spammed it all over the Usenet Newsgroups though. Spam,
Spam, Spam, Spam. (Apr 97)
- * New
Zealand Connections -
You can place your own add for free here. The server was
slow and there were not many members as yet and few had
photos. You can contact other members via e-mail starting
at $5 each. (Feb 97)
- ** Ocean Bridge, Inc. - PHOTOS
Features over 300 Chinese and over 50 Russian women. A
number of men are also listed. Individual address start
at $5 but you can order a group of up to eight addresses
for $10. Good bio information was given and the photos
were fair to good. (Feb 97)
- * Online
Encounters International -
Online encounters features single Russian women. The
thumbnail photos here were larger than most but were
often of poor quality, and strangely were not linked to
the larger versions. You have to click on the text to
view the larger photos and the biographic information.
The bios were fair, and addresses start at $5. (Feb 97)
- ** Only You - PHOTOS
Another Russian marriage agency with good photos
and bios. This site, like some other Russian sites, has a
mirror site somewhere in North America. If you're ever on
a slow Russian server (look for a ".ru."
somewhere in the URL) look for a mirror site somewhere.
Connection "The
foremost matchmaker in the Orange/LA County area
specializing in relationships between Caucasian/ American
men and Asian women."
Apparently African Americans and Hispanic Americans are
not welcome here -- Canadians either for that matter.
Where can we complain? There aren't many listings here,
but both men and women are featured.
Oriental Connection says, "Our psychologists
tell us that there is an underlying role conflict
sometimes present between American men and American
women. The culture in the United States teaches women to
vie for total equality and often, because of survival,
the woman will adopt a "male role" in life. In
a relationship, this can cause confusion of the partner's
roles. Asian women are intelligent and cultured, but
fulfill a unique role in their lives that does not
conflict with their man's role." If you know
who these psychologists are we'd like to know.
You must be a member before using this service, so we
applied for membership.Our representative provided no
proof that he was, "financially secure, legally
unmarried and able to travel and date freely,"
as required. He was however, immediately approved. You
can be too! Act today. You'll receive another URL to
contact. Have your checkbook or credit card handy. Enjoy,
and don't say we didn't warn you. (Feb 97)
- * Orthodox
This services is for Jewish singles. It provides
confidential and discreet computer-aided matchmaking
service for clients who are "Shomer Shabbos and keep
a Kosher home." (Mar 97)
- *** Orwell
Maritime International Marriage Network
Orwell is a network of singles services (most
are listed here) mainly from Russia and Eastern Europe.
You can do a search here, and it works -- some of the
time. Often the search engine is more of a problem than
anything else. The site is usually quite slow as well, so
look for a mirror site in North America. (Feb 97)
- ** Overseas
Match - PHOTOS
Single women from Europe and Russia are featured on
Overseas Match. The bios are poor and the thumbnails are
only fair but are linked to good larger photos. The
thumbnail pages load fairly quickly. Addresses start at
- * Pacific
Century Club
The Pacific Century Club offers sample profiles of
oriental (with the emphasis on Japanese) women, from
their magazine. One of the women, named Vergel says in
her ad, "Please don't hesitate to send epistle
because I will do my part." (Feb 97)
- * Pacific
Island Ladies - PHOTOS
Women from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Pacific islands are
covered on this site. The photos are above average but
there are no larger photos to view. Individual addresses
(minimum of two) were $12. The site seemed very slow to
respond -- slower than others visited in the same
session. (Feb 97)
- * Penpals - PHOTOS
Penpals is another site featuring oriental women, but
they call them girls -- even the ones older than 40! Boy,
have they got a lot to learn. (Is it OK to say
"boy" here?) This site required some horizontal
scrolling -- even at 1024 x 768 resolution! The photos
and bios were acceptable however. Addresses start at $5.
(Feb 97)
- * Perfect
Partners International -
Both men and women were listed. E-mail addresses only
are available, and they go for ten at $65. The photos
were large enough but too dark, and the bio information
was only fair. The single men listed looked like the cast
from "Reservoir Dogs" (the ones who weren't
camera shy). (Feb 97)
Date Line
This is another really ugly 900 service. (Apr
- * PePe's
Global Dating Service
At least they are trying -- very trying, but they're
FREE. (Mar 97)
- ** Philippine Contacts Introduction Agency
Gee, after looking at all the other sites here, this one
almost reminds us of the old "Waltons" TV show.
They don't offer much online, but we liked the Waltons
and we liked this site. We feel safe here and on the
Internet that alone is worth two stars. (Feb 97)
- ** Phodes International Introduction
Service Agency -
Phodes -- for Photo design -- has a screen layout
required us to scroll horizontally -- an annoyance. The
photos were of good to very good quality -- the bios were
fair to very good, even giving you the woman's shoe size
on occasion. Many of the women had one or two extra
photos online. (Mar 97)
- ** Prana International Marriage Agency - PHOTOS
Prana lists a small number of single Russian women.
This site had no thumbnails. The photos are good however,
and the bios are fair. (Mar 97)
- * Premiere
Dating Club - PHOTOS
Wow! Yet another "premier" dating site. It's
difficult to work your way around the Premiere Dating
Club site however. There are relatively few photos and
the bios vary widely in quality. Membership is $47 per
year but you can e-mail members for free. (Apr 97)
- * Rainbow
Introductions - PHOTOS
Very poor photos, no
displayed thumbnails, and almost no bio information.
About a hundred women listed, and there are men's
listings as well.(March 97)
- * Razzmatazz
Christian Singles
This is a service for Christians (both men and women)
mainly from the U.S. The thumbnails are about the
fuzziest we've seen! Letters are forwarded for $3 each.
(Mar 97)
- **** Rendezvous
Club - PHOTOS - "Our
database contents an amazing collection of ladies for
friendship, romance and marriage. Most of them are
Siberian ladies."
If they had "Riviera ladies" it might be a
drawing card but Siberian ladies?! They also say,
"Siberia has always attracted the bold and the
strong through many centures of immigration." Yes,
but Solzhenitsyn says much of it was forced immigration
with a one-way ticket, and none of them were
attracted to it. Anyway, we really like this site in
spite of it all. It has a good search function and the
photos are good as well. The bios are about the best
you'll find and most include additional photos. The site
is graphically superior to most and includes frames. We'd
like to see a "browse next page" button on the
bottom of each page though. Addresses start at $15. (Mar
- * Rendezvous
Dating Service
This is a service for men and women. You're required to
become a member, but there is no membership charge. The
bios are fair, but it's difficult to make many matches.
(Mar 97)
- * Roman & Stefano's Girls Of The World - PHOTOS
There are misaligned graphics and text on this site -- we
wonder why they would put up a web site in this
condition. Their banner is at the top of all of their
photo pages -- if you've seen it once, isn't that enough?
Some of the thumbnails are distorted and there is only
fair bio information. Addresses are $20 each. (Mar 97)
- * Romance
Online - PHOTOS
Membership begins at $14.95. This is a recent addition to
the web and offers listings of both men and women. The
photos and bios are fair. (Mar 97)
If this is a "Single's Paradise," you might
want to check out "that other place." This is
one of the most visually obnoxious sites we've ever seen.
(Mar 97)
- * Romantic
Russia Introduction Service
This site offers
little on the Internet except tours. The average customer
tour price is about $3,300.00 plus air fare.
(Mar 97)
- * Romantic
Toronto - PHOTOS -
Romantic Toronto features single men and women. You can
respond to anyone for FREE via e-mail but men must pay to
have their personal ad online. The bios are fair and
there are not many photos available. (Mar 97)
- ** RSVP - FREE
This site is in Australia but lists single men and women
from around the world as well. It's slow surfing here, a
Quick Search produces a list with little bio information
if you select 'headers.' You have to click on individual
member's names to see the full bios, which are very good.
Membership is free but may be $9.95 per month in the
future. (Apr 97)
- ** Russian Introductions - PHOTOS
Russian Introductions lists only about 30 single women
but the photos and bios are good. The addresses start at
$15. (Apr 97)
- * Russia House Connections
Good bios, but only a handful of women are listed online.
A standard membership costs £295. I wonder how much that
is in dollars. (Mar 97)
- * Russian Lady for You, A - PHOTOS
A Russian Lady for You features single women
from the former Soviet Union. The thumbnail photographs
are too small and are distorted. The linked photos are
often of poor quality and are usually too small as well.
The bio information of the women listed was barely
adequate. The first address is $15. (Apr 97)
- * Russian Liaisons - PHOTOS
Essentially this is nothing more than an ad for for a "multimedia
CD-Rom packed with Russian Girls wanting to meet
you...!" Their Internet site could use a little
multimedia something-or-other. The CD sells for $78. (Apr
- ** Russian Brides
Surfing was easy on this site. Many sites leave out basis
functions like "next" and "previous."
This site has them. The thumbnails were of inconsistent
quality, but the larger photos and bios were good. Feb
- * Russia Connection - PHOTOS
This site features good to fair bios but only black and
white thumbnails not linked to larger photos. Addresses
are $10. (Mar 97)
- * Russian
Offers only videos and tours to Russia on the Internet.
(Mar 97)
- * Russian
Russian Rendezvous offers a software package for matching
Russian women on your computer. The program catalog costs
$29.95. You can then respond to the woman of your choice
for $9.95 per letter. (Mar 97)
- * Russian
Romance - PHOTOS
This site uses frames. You have to look at the annoying
RR logo unless you rearrange them. Some of the thumbnails
were the fuzziest we've seen anywhere and some of the
thumbnail links were broken. The bios were poor, but the
addresses were only $3.33. (Mar 97)
- ** Russian Singles From Shade - PHOTOS - FREE
This site appeared to be fairly quick loading,
considering it's an "SU" (Soviet Union?) site.
Both men and women are featured here. There are good
thumbnails linked to additional photos. The bio
information was usually good. You contact members for
FREE via e-mail. (Mar 97)
- * Santa
Barbara International Introduction Center
About 30 Russian women were
listed, and there were no thumbnail photos to browse. The
bio information was usually good however. You can't
"browse next" from each page -- you can only
return to the homepage. The background makes it really
difficult to read the text. Addresses start at $20.(Feb
- ***** Scanna
International -
PHOTOS - (See also "Dream Girls" above)
Scanna International is one of the best. This site is
nicely arranged by an Internet web-site professional, no
flashing animations or other silliness, just a well
designed site. Tell us what you think about this
operation -- look at Cybermate International for
something to compare with. (We're cruel, aren't we?)
Scanna's Internet listings go back to May of 1995 --
almost ancient by Internet standards. There are thousands
of single women listed online. The bios are brief but
adequate and the photos are way above what you usually
find on the Internet. Try Scanna -- you'll like it.
Addresses start at $12. (Mar 97)
Scanna is good, but like most of us, not
We found the following on Scanna International.
It's an obvious oversight -- Elena apparently decided to
send in another application letter as Irina:
162-K56. Elena, 34 yrs, 54", 110 lbs. Blonde
hair and gray eyes, telephone operator, Ukrainian from
Kiev; D: son, 8 yrs old. Her personality is a bit shy,
kind and faithful. In her spare time she likes to dance,
read books and travel. She is searching for a courteous,
caring, educated and intelligent man under 45 yrs old.
Speaks R, E-1.
163-K56. Irina, 34 yrs old 163-K56. Irina, 34 yrs,
55", 110 lbs. Blonde hair and gray eyes,
telephone operator, Ukrainian from Kiev; W: daughter, 11
yrs old. Irina is a sincere kind, patient, even-tempered
and faithful lady who likes dancing, reading, sports and
housekeeping. She dreams of meeting a kind, attentive,
caring and educated man under 45 yrs old. Speaks R, U,
Duplicate entries are a problem -- even on Scanna.
Everybody has a bad day once in a while but -- unlike
Scanna -- some other sites will deceive you deliberately.
- * Secret
Companions And Penpals
Secret Companions says they are, "The Largest
Non Profit Companion & Penpal Selection Or
Marketplace Classifieds On A Local Or Worldwide Basis
With Internet And Hard Copy Editions." Easy for
them to say! This site lists men and women from around
the world and is a FREE service. (Mar 97)
- * Secret Sails - PHOTOS
Another site on a Russian (read, slow) server.
There wasn't much here when we visited the first time but
things have brightened up a bit. You can get access to
all the addresses here for $25. (Mar 97)
- ** Single Christian Network - FREE
An unusual site offering links to Christians with their
own World Wide Web home pages. This is a FREE service. If
you have a Free Tripod Web Page you're all set.
(Mar 97)
- * Singles Connection Network
Free memberships are all that is available until April 1,
1997. (Mar 97)
Singles Outreach Service - "Enclose $2 per responce."
SOS is a non-profit organization (with a 900 number --
that's a switch) with the following fees: "To
contact a profiler call 1-900-988-1060 ($1.25 per minute)
or write a letter to the person you wish to contact and
send to SOS, POB 12511, Albany, NY 12212. Enclose $2 per
responce and be sure to include the ID # of the person
you are writing to." (Mar 97)
- * Singles Now
A three month subscription to this singles service costs
$39. There were 10 age categories to choose for single
women and 10 for single men as well. We clicked on them
all and didn't find anyone listed anywhere. Apparently
this as a very small, select group. (Mar 97)
- * SinglesSites.com
A gateway to other sites --
similar to CupidNet. (Mar 97)
- * Small World Penpals
This site features Filipina women seeking pen pals.
Addresses started at $3. (Mar 97)
- ** Snooky's
Pen-pals, Brides, Wives
Single Filipina women are listed on Snooky's. The bios
are only fair they want you to purchase their
video for more information. The photos range from poor to
good and the videos are generally $15 to $25. (Apr 97)
Soulmates - "We give Singles a
guaranteed direct course to their Soulmate."
Guaranteed?! If you want a guarantee, buy a
toaster. There are no guarantees in personal
relationships. Soulmates says, "Singles are
provided with curtail (sic) information that will lead
them directly to their Soulmate!" It sounds a
little like those Psychic Friends TV ads to us.
Soulmates asks people to shell out $30 if they are
wondering "if their current partner is truly
(sic) The One." If you are wondering that, we
think you should visit a reputable relationship
counselor, not Soulmates. (Apr 97)
- *** Soul
Soul Mates features single women from around the world.
Good bio information is given and the photos are quite
good too. There were many pages of listings of women. The
server seemed very quick too. Addresses range from $5 to
$25 each. (Mar 97)
- ** South of the
Border Introductions -
This site offered introductions to 110 ladies from Latin
America. Photos were usually good and the bio data was
fair. Address ware $10 or $100 for all 110 addresses.
(Mar 97)
- * Starfire Canada
No thumbnails were
available to browse and there weren't many women listed
here as far as we could tell. You'll have to purchase
their video to see more. (Mar 97)
- * Starfire
This service offers little on the Internet except an ad
for its videos. The women are from St. Petersburg,
Russia.. (Mar 97)
Nelson's Filipina Dreamgirls
The home page is online but nearly all of the other links
give you the message. "File Not found... The
requested URL /~snelson/fdpage19.htm was not found on
this server." (Mar 97)
- * Sunshine
International - PHOTOS
Sunshine International features a number of Asian and
Oriental women from the pages of their magazine. The
current 36-page Spring 1997 issue of Sunshine Girls is
$65, which includes the addresses of all 314 women. (Mar
- * Svetlana
Svetlana is a travel & marriage club in St.
Petersburg, Russia. (Mar 97)
- * Sweet Southern Belles
No, not from the southern United States, these are sweet
southern belles of Mindanao. This site needs lots of work
-- it's definitely not a site for sore eyes. (Feb 97)
- * Talking Personals On The Internet - FREE
They're talking all right -- we just wish they'd shut up.
You can respond via e-mail for FREE. (Mar 97)
- * To
Russia With Love -
This "To Russia With Love" site appears to have
borrowed a name already in use (see the original To Russia With Love
site review below). This new site requires you to wade
through a seemingly endless number of slow loading pages
until you get to the stuff you are looking for. After
about 10 minutes you'll finally get to the page where you
have to "sign up." Then you are in for a 45
minute session of answering matchmaker questions. We
think not! (Jul 97)
- ** To Russia With Love - PHOTOS
A professional organization with a professionally
arranged web site. It's difficult browsing here though --
you have to go from one page to the next and wait for the
photos to load. Some of the photos are good and some are
poor. The bio information is generally good however. (Mar
- * Transpacific
Marriage Agency
This site has underlined colored text -- which everywhere
else on the Internet indicates a hyper link -- you can
click on it to your heart's content, but it takes you
nowhere. This is a unique feature, and we didn't like it.
Single women and men from around the globe are featured.
The bio data is only poor to fair and there are no
thumbnails to browse. (Mar 97)
- ** Trimaran - PHOTOS - FREE
Trimaran offers good, but basic, bios of Russian and
ex-USSR women. They used to be free but now they charge
for addresses like almost everyone else. (Aug 97)
- "Guys, after four years here I've
decide the greatest asset this little country (Latvia)
has is its women and they know the value and how to use
their " ASSets. " "
Whew! We weren't even going to mention TSM
they offer tours to Latvia to meet single Russian women
but when we read the quote above we changed our
minds. Boy, are these guys going to get in trouble or
what?! (May 97).
- ** Turistas Introduction Agency - PHOTOS
A singles service offering introductions to women from
Lithuania.Good photos and bios. (Mar 97)
- * True
True Spice is a new service listing only a few
single men. (Apr 97)
- ** Ukraine
Girls International -
You need a password to view the profiles on Ukraine Girls
International, but you can get it for free. (Mar 97)
- ** USA
Connect - PHOTOS - "Rated
as #1 in personal introduction services."
USA Connect says they are rated #1, but they forgot
to say by whom. The bio information goes from fair to
good, but the thumbnail photos don't link to larger
images. The pages are easy to read though, until the
background downloads. The forward and back arrows are not
hot-linked another annoyance. There were two
broken links on the photo album page. (Mar 97)
- * USA
A service primarily for single men and women in the
United States, but there are a few listings for other
countries. The bio information is very limited. Letters
are forwarded for $2 and membership is $5 per month. (Mar
- * VonCom
Internet Personal Advertising
Apparently there were only two single men and
one single woman listed here when we visited. (Mar 97)
Love Connection International
This site had way to many messages like, "File Not
Found. The requested URL /vlc/women/page1/faq.htm was not
found on this server. We'll try it again when it's fixed.
(Mar 97)
- * webpersonals.com
A FREE service mainly for men and women from around the
world and even one woman from Venus! No photos were
available -- we really wanted to see what that Venus
vixen looks like. (Mar 97)
- ** Welcome To The HomePage For Russian Women - PHOTOS
That's as close as we could come for the name of this
place. If you know its real name please let us know. This
site had fair bio information but generally poor
thumbnail photos. The thumbnails themselves were not
linked, but there were good quality larger photos
available, and there were sometimes additional photos as
well. At least one woman was listed in two different age
groups. (Mar 97)
- ** Women Of The World - PHOTOS
Women mainly from Russian and the Ukraine are featured
here. There is a great search function and the photos and
bios are above par too. "Video profiles" are
$9.95. How you actually contact the women listed here is
unclear. (Mar 97)
- **** World
Class Introductions -
PHOTOS - "Had your fill of feminists,
gold-diggers, air heads, unfaithful partners and party
This site has good quick-loading thumbnails, good larger
photos, and good bios. And we really like the part about
feminists, gold diggers, and air heads. Addresses start
at $15. (May 97)
Another "not ready for prime time" site. (Mar
- * World Singles
A singles service
offering e-mail addresses for $3. Clicking on
"search" merely brings you back to the home
page. (Mar 97)
Worldwide Friendship
If you like seeing messages
like, "404 Not Found. The requested URL was not
found on this server: /wwf_new/wwf001.htm
(d:/friendship/wwf_new/wwf001.htm) Please return to the
referring document and note the hypertext link that led
you here," this site is for you! (Mar 97)
- ** World
Wide Marriage Agency -
Single men and women from around the globe are listed on
World Wide. It's slow surfing here you have to go
from one listing to the next. A thumbnail index would be
nice. The photos are of good quality and there are often
additional photos as well. The search function is poor;
not enough options are available. A one month membership
is $20 and gives you access to all the members addresses.
Addresses start at $10 if you are not a member. (Apr 97)
- * You And Me International Marriage Agency - PHOTOS
Ukrainian women are featured on this site. The thumbnails
and larger photos are generally good, the bio data only
fair. (Mar 97)
- * Your Bride Is In The Mail!
This site offers a "comprehensive "how-to"
guidebook for men considering seeking a foreign bride
through mail correspondence." (Mar 97)
Internet Consumers
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