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WELCOME to my Homepage i am fantasia and this is my world, I invite you to kick off your shoes, pull up your favorite chair and pour yourself a of coffee and take a trip into my virtual reality, where you can cruise my linkpages and read some poems, all i ask is that you sign my guestbook so that i know that you were here.....Enjoy your stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Here is a poem that i wrote:

"Some Where in My Dreams"

Somewhere in my dreams that escape me, in the early morning light.

I live a world of Fantasy, just behind my eyes....

Though I don't remember them or ever think i will, I know that i must have lived them for i am shaken still.....

My brow drenched with sweat and my body's just as wet. What was i doing? And whom was i with?

I have no explaination why these dream elude me, I only wish to sleep again so that i may prusue them.....

I started writing poetry when i was 8yrs old, and have even had some published, please this page because i do change the poems from time to time and check out Fantasia poetry coner for more great poems


Please sign my guestbook, and let me know what you think of my page.. this is my first page and i would love to hear what you all think of my first homepage!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE sign my guestbook Don't make me beg!!!!!!

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I hope that I have kept you well entertained, if you have any comments or suggestions or just want to say hi feel free to e mail me!!!! I would like to give special Thanks to Jade and Lordblackfel who put up with my constant whining and complaining during the making of this page!! keep smiling and hope you return soon!!!!!!!!

©:fantasia 1997.....

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since March 13, 1997

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