Andrea Ancarani's Homepage
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times since April 11th, 1997

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Una mia foto del passato inverno ritagliata da un gruppppo di amici
Navigando navigando sul Net eccoti approdato sulla mia Homepage. Spero che tu ci possa trovare qualcosa di utile o perlomeno potrai leggere qualcosa per saperne un po' di più sul mio conto...Buon divertimento!!!

Browsing around on the Net you have landed on my first own homepage. I hope you can find something interesting besides you'll get to know something more about me.....Enjoy!!! 
Join The ICQ Revolution

ICQ is a revolutionary, user-friendly, Internet program that tells you who's online at all times. No longer will you search in vain for friends & associates on the 'net. ICQ does the searching for you, alerting you in real time when friends or colleague sign on. In addition, ICQ continually tells you which of your friends & colleagues are online.

With ICQ, you can chat, send messages and files, play games or just hang out with your fellow 'netters while still surfing the net.

The program runs in the background, taking up a minimum amount of memory and net resources. While you work on other applications, ICQ alerts you when friends and associates sign on, allowing you to work efficiently while having a whole range of Internet functions at your fingertips. Among the functions available are: chat, message, e-mail, URL and file transfer.

ICQ also supports a variety of popular external Internet applications. With ICQ, launching an Internet phone or video call is a breeze. With a click of a button, you and a friend (or friends) are instantly connected. These events may be executed among multiple users, so you can conduct a conference or just hang out online.

All these functions are organized in one easy to use program that integrates easily into your desktop.

Lately we have seen a great development of e-commerce sites on the web but there's also a new exciting way of buying and selling stuff over the Internet!!

That's AUCTION!!

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