Carmen's Lil' World
A cool survey!

tha devil Look at that... today is December 10th, 2004. IT's been over 3 years since I have touched this website and I have received a notice that Geocities would delete my site if I do not make any changes. So here I am, making changes. Please don't delete my website....

Today is June 23rd, 2001. I am finally working on my page. I think it's been one year ago. There are many many many erros, deadlinks and anything else possibly wrong with my page, but really, I don't have too much time to fix them, so Please bare with me. I have, however, updated parts of them... For the person that I told to specifically come to this page because I have contributed something in here for him, click on the me and click on the new me #2 thingy.. and you'll see.. you'll see....

A must see ATTRACTion. I just found it.. apparently, I have a hello Kitty page and I would REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY like everyone to go see it... Here, click here --> hello KITTY

I have also decided that a very special masterpiece of artwork should be exposed to the world to see.. So check this out. It's really interesitng. MAny memories back to SCH3A class... so click here... and it probably won't make sense to those who don't know me or the characters involved in this piece of artwork

It's summer time right now.. exams are over, hooraaayyy... IT's all over, no more OAC chemistry.. no more labS!! no more TEsts! what else could be better! I have free time during the summer so I shall try my best to kill these dead links..

Here are the latest pages... It's called Oct.11. Not too fancy, but it's good enough for me. IT's just got some new links n' cool stuff I wanted to share with all you happy people out there. You can still visit my other one, may 28th/99 and the Chinese New Year Page.

Well, now that my guestbook finally works... and I've finally been able to see what people wrote in it... sign it if you have time.. thanks and enjoy!

Leave yur Prints GuestBooK See the Stuff

Created By: Carmen Leung