So you want to know about me?? Here you go!

This is a pic of me! oh yeh, and im not really a hooker, its just a joke between me and Landon!!

HEY!! You don't know me...but who really cares?? I'm just a regular (ok...sometimes regular!!) teenage girl who enjoys...hmmm, what do i enjoy?? Well, thats what you're gonna find out!! This page is full of things that I'm interested in. At the moment my page isn't very...well, exciting i guess, but it'll get there!!!

This guy (SKEET) is a GOD!

OK, first of all, let me give you some background info about me! I'm a 16 year old brunette, with a pretty fu-gly picture, from Perth, Australia! G'day mate, hows it going?? Just kidding..i don't talk like that, honest! I'm currently in my final year at school..and in exactly 14 days I'll get my L's (my learners, that is), how exciting, i can't wait!!!!

Jim Morrison ~ 1943-1971

Uhh..i love music, especially:


they totally and utterly rule and I also love: the doors, Garbage, The Prodigy, Smashing Pumpkins, Spiderbait, Bush, some Madonna, some Pearl Jam, Live, some marilyn manson, the spice girls, korn, faith no more, powderfinger, tool, ash, some radiohead...and all the rest is basically Top 40 music, the kind where the band only has one hit song in their whole career!

Kurt Cobain ~ 1967-1994

OK, heres a list of songs that i love: (definitely not in any order)

ashes to ashes ~ faith no more buy me a pony ~ spiderbait Just a Girl ~ No Doubt little things ~ bush greedy fly ~ bush comedown ~ bush smells like teenspirit ~ nirvana lithium ~ nirvana about a girl ~ nirvana in bloom ~ nirvana territorial pissings ~ nirvana lounge act ~ nirvana breed ~ nirvana ok...why dont i just say any nirvana song!!! light my fire ~ the doors hello, i love you ~ the doors touch me ~ the doors riders on the storm ~ the doors break on through (to the other side) ~ the doors ...and some other doors songs... alive ~ pearl jam better man ~ pearl jam calypso ~ spiderbait hot water and milk ~ spiderbait spiderwebs ~ no doubt lightning crashes ~ live all over you ~ live i alone ~ live lakini's juice ~ live the girl from mars ~ ash blind ~ korn good god ~ korn swallowed ~ bush stinkfist ~ tool anienma ~ tool bullet with butterfly wings ~ smashing pumpkins 1979 ~ smashing pumpkins tonight tonight ~ smashing pumkins beatiful people ~ marilyn manson sweet dreams ~ marilyn manson torniquet ~ marilyn manson karma police ~ radiohead paranoid android ~ radiohead leaving home ~ jebediah stay ~ lisa loeb lovefool ~ the cardigans 2 become 1 ~ spice girls say you'll be there ~ spice girls wannabe ~ spice girls who do you think you are ~ spice girls do you know ~ robyn i know where its at ~ all saints breathe ~ the prodigy no good (start the dance) ~ the prodigy firestarter ~ the prodigy voodoo people ~ the prodigy stupid girl ~ garbage #1 crush ~ garbage only happy when it rains ~ garbage i am i feel ~ alisha's attic alisha rules the world ~ alisha's attic

and i just have to say that i HATE silverchair, hanson and celine dion with a passion and thats all i can think of right now, but i'll add onto it, dont you worry!!

Uhh, what else?? OK, i totally love shopping, its my absolute fav thing in the whole world! I just love fashion, clothes and everything to do with it! At the moment im totally into nail polish...OK, in case you haven't noticed i tend to go off the point just a tad so i think what i'll do is just give you a list of all the things i love. Here it is: colour, pastel blue, electric blue, silver glitter, babies, angels, cherubs, flowers, roses, love hearts, parties, fashion, clothes, clips, nail polish, body peircing (i have a belly ring!!), tattoo's (i'm yet to get one on my back just on my shoulder blade and on my ankle), Antonio Sabato Jr., Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, music, stars (as in the ones in the sky!), fun, magazines, facials, make-up, and thats all i think about right now, but this is only my first try at making a homepage, so i'll probably add things onto it anyhow! But anyways, i'll think i'll stop here...hope you like what i've got so far!!

Oh, yeh, and i also go on a couple of chatlines on the net, I go on WBS (webchat broadcasting system) and IRC ( and im in the teen rooms! In WBS im usually: psykogrrrl, pyrogirl ~666~, liberte/cherish, cheeky bitch, foxylady 676 and occasionally ~nIcK's PeRsOnaL WhOrE~ (another joke!!!)and heaps of other names because i keep getting suspended and having to make new names... when im in IRC im Aliisha!! Hope to see you ometime!

This is a picture of the most beautiful man alive, Antonio Sabato Jr. ~ prepare to drool..hehe:

Links to other sites on the Web

Photo of ME!
HEAPS of chatlines
Want IRC?? Click here
A great No Doubt page, with heaps of links
Other Bands ~ Lyrics and heaps of info about almost ANY band at all
You love to shop?? Then this is THE perfect link!
Register to THE greatest chatline ~ WBS
A Nirvana Page - see Kurt's suicide note
Peace, Love and Empathy (a choice Nirvana Homepage)

Suggestions?? Comments?? Complaints?? Feel free to e-mail me and talk to me sometime!!

© 1997

And, most importantly of all (does that make sense? oh well!!)don't forget to ~
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And finally, in the words of Kurt Cobain; "...remember, its better to burn out then fade away. Peace, love, empathy, Kurt Cobain"

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