Welcome to Our ISP Portal

rockbandani of starter bands   rockbandani of starter bands

Welcome To

unclesam1 the dancing skeleton



1st line in title


2nd line in title



but my site is best viewed through
Explorer if at all possible.
At least then you'll hear the background music as well





Getting Frustrated???
frustration in computers todat





Now Come on in, take a load off, & have a look.
But I'M warning you, not all my files

are for children's ears.
Please get parents permission first

I've added on
now you can have your pick
Gadget's Wav2
Gadget's Wav3

To hear these songs,
it's also best if you save them to your own computer,
Do this by Right clicking the song, let it download.
Then open it from your computer and your ready to go. : )

the dancing penquins               the dancing penquins

Here are a few, to help get you in the right frame of mind.

The one who started it all for me

Mom & Dad
What every kid would dread to know

Pipes and Free Music from 1-Percent.com




Welcome to Our ISP Portal


constructing2                     This site is always updating
Last update 04/6/2004

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