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Webmaster Greetings and Profile :

G'Day for all of you from all around the world, First of all, I would like to introduce my self. My name is Andi Guna Hadisaar. I come from Jakarta, Indonesia. However, I'm currently studying at Hale School in Perth, Western Australia. Back in my hometown, I've finished junior high school at SMP Tarakanita I in 1996, then I took an english course at St.Mark's International College in Perth to improve my english. My hobbies are rollerskating, basketball, tennis and playing computer ( Sony Playstation, surfing the net, etc ). This page contains some information about my country (Indonesia) and many links to it. If you have any homepage that contains about Indonesia and you have any banner that you want to put into our homepage for free, Just send E-mail to us, so we could put your homepage in our links .Please bookmark this page, Thanks.©

Some General Info about Indonesia :

Indonesia is a develop island countries which lies on the equator. It is the biggest archipelago in the world and there are around 13.667 islands in Indonesia, however the five big islands are Java ( which is the crowdest island ), Sumatra, Kalimantan /Borneo, Sulawesi / Celebes and Irian Jaya. The country was divided into 27 provinces with its capital city "Jakarta" and it is a republic type countries lead by a president who recently is president Soeharto. There are about 200 millions peoples in Indonesia which is the 4th highest population in the world. The main export goods from Indonesia are woods, oil & natural gas, rubber and rice. Click here to see some photos of Indonesia. If you need some further information about Indonesia, just send E-mail to us.©

Click here to hear the Indonesian anthem

Click on the flag above to hear the Indonesian anthem

Here is some of interesting and informative links about Indonesia :

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