Michelle's little corner of the Web

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Michelle ma belle, sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble, tres bien ensemble....

Hello all and welcome to my humble abode. Here, you will find lotsa interesting and perhaps useful stuff that will keep your eyes glued to the screen as you browse around my pages. Sit back and enjoy!

A brief introduction of myself: *ahem*

I'm a pure-bred Singaporean who has lived a good 16 years now. I'm a first-year student in Hwa Chong Junior College and am currently studying under the Humanities Scheme. It's an excellent place for learning and the tutors are all very much dedicated and specialised in their specific field of teaching. The people here are great and I'm getting used to the idea of hearing people speak Mandarin wherever I turn, although I can't say the same for actually speaking it. I play the piano and I have passed my Grade 8 examination, much to everyone's relief as much as my own. I'll admit I'm no maestro, but I can definitely play better then Da Vinci or Van Gogh. I learnt ballet for several years when I was "younger" and more "flexible".....ask me to do a pirouette however and I'll probably twist my ankle or something. I love the arts, especially Andrew Lloyd Webber's musicals. I'm a celluloid person, I can't get my eyes off the goggle-box nor the "big screen". I LOVE THE MOVIES!!! Not only that, I go bONkErS about shopping...it's my favourite pastime. I have to go shopping every week and I'll be lucky if I don't burn a hole in my pocket in the process. Aw rite, enuff about me, let's move on to the more exciting things in life!

Okay, what sort of music do I like? I like English pop...more accurately, alternative rock. Female vocals are THE BEST, basically because they sing with so much conviction and some of the lyrics are actually quite apt in terms of my life and what I'm going through.

All Alanis Morisette fans and Fiona Apple fans, drop in on their fantastic homepages and have a look at some of the wonderful pictures of these beautiful singers as well as their discographies...way cool. Also check out the hanging controversies and arguments about the similarity or diversity of their styles at Epic Centre.