Free life with Psion

My thoughts with these pages:

I want to share my view on these small Palmtop-computer with other people. And I have some useful ideas too. Please have a look and let me know what you think?

Just to make it clear: I do not have any connects to Psion or other companies around the these mascines, but simply like to use one!

Use the Index

Free life with Psion

What is a Psion and some Psion sites (I have changed from 3a to a new 3mx now)
Daily use of Psion
Some useful tips
Something about me and some of my stuff (also the emulator of the Psion 3a/c/mx for PC)
Programs I like (Now Graph3a -Freeware!)

Or take a tour on my pages:

Free life with Psion

Please let me know your opinion on these small Palmtop?

Note: If you are from Denmark then please let me know if you are having problems by reading English.
Hvis du er fra Danmark - så send mig venligst en email, hvis du føler at du vil have mere gavn af disse sider, hvis de blev oversat til dansk.

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