As a web-surfer you probably have found out
that the net is forfilled with information about ufo's.

Maybe you are a believer that they really exist.
Or maybe you think that it's all a hoax.
Personally I believe that everybody is entitled to their own oppinion.

However...there is only one truth.

On this site you will find information that
can turn you from a non-believer to a believer
and from a believer to a non-believer.

When you have done your investigation
you can fill in the believe-form to give your oppinion.
You can also read the results of the believe-form.


Arguments to be a believer

Many people claim that a ufo crashed in New Mexico near a little place called Roswell back in 1947. The US goverment held information about extra terrestial life back from the people. 45 years later a b/w film was presented where US scientists examinated the body of an alien who didn't survive the crash. The film is known as the Santelli-film.

In the Nevada-desert is a place where normal citizens are not allowed. It is called 'Area51' or 'Dreamland'. The US goverment say that in area51 new aircrafts are builded and tested. But near that area many ufo-sightings are reported. Some say that people from NASA are testing UFO-crafts and material.

The authorities still claim that there is no such thing that aliens are visiting our planet although many people took photographs of UFO's and even filmed them. Some say they have experienced that aliens abducted them and runned some tests on them. But there is hope for the believers. More and more ufo-groups are formed.


Size: 750 kb
Filename: aliencolor.avi

Description: A film of a ufo up-close.
The UFO is flashing his lights.

Size: 800 kb
Filename: aliendeny.avi

Description: A film of a ufo flying over a mexican town.

Size: 2 Mb
Filename: roswell2.mpg

Description: part 2 of the Santelli-film.


    Arguments to be a non-believer

    The universe is inmensely big. The change that there is a planet like ours with life on it is very big. But that aliens can visit our planet is theoretically not possible if they came from another solar-system. According to Einstein material cannot travel any faster than 300.000 km/s (the speed of light). Why? Because E=mc˛. That means that energy is equal the mass of material times lightspeed times lightspeed. In other words: if material crosses the speed of light it will gain mass. It cannot go any faster. The nearest star is 800 lightyears away. That means if aliens want to come from the nearest solar-system, then they have to travel at least 800 years. But don't worry. Our knowledge of natural physics doesn't go any further than that.

    And then of course we humans have a tendency to believe the things we want to believe. If a person believes that aliens will visit our planet soon, then he will see more ufo's than airplanes. And then you have people who like to fool other people. Making pictures of fake-ufo's is not so hard to do.

    Throw your frisbee in the air
    and shoot some pics.

    It's all confusing huh? Now I ask you:

    What do you believe?

    1) Is there other life beyond this planet?


    2) Do aliens visit our planet?


    3) Where do they come from?

    from our solar-system
    from another solar-system

    4) Does the US goverment cover up evidence of extra terrestial life?



    Created by Panter
    The creator of Panter's Page
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