Gripper's Home Page


Star Trek-Star Wars-Robots-Space Toys-T.V.- Movie-Memorabilia

Wind Up-Toys from Japan-China-U.S.S.R.-Taiwan-U.S.A.

After years of buying and collecting, "I Have No More Room". Thank the stars for the Internet. In 1997 I discovered eBay, the largest auction on the Internet. This has been a fantastic site, that has given me "Some of My Room Back". Ebay is set up, in a way, that allows all involved to leave comments on each other, buyers and sellers. These comments are viewable by all that visit the auction. Everyone has a number following their name. Just click on the number and view the comments left on this person. This is our reputation. By viewing, the feedback, you can decide, if this is a person you want to deal with, or not deal with.

It is an ongoing struggle of "To buy, or not to buy", and buy usually wins out. From this web page, I will be displaying toys from around the world, tin, wind-up, battery operated, etc. After checking these out, try viewing my items up for auction, on eBay, at the current time.
Started in Sept. of 98 and still under construction. Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to other sites on the Web

eBay...Largest auction on the Web
My Auction on eBay
My Customers Comments about Me.

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