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Drop a bookmark and check here often for the highest quality discount timeshare units
On the World Wide Web!

Welcome to GoldStar Capital. We are a finance company located in Fredericksburg, Virginia that specializes in the liquidation of foreclosed vacation timeshare units. Previously dealing only with brokers, we now offer the same low prices to individuals through direct mail and now online here at GeoCities.

While we deal mainly with foreclosures, repossessions, and bank liqudations we also deal with individuals who own a large number of deeded properties for whom we serve as a liquidator. While many of these properties come to us through the misfortune of others, I have been instructed by our CEO to offer these incredible deals on a cash only basis and for a limited time. What this means to you is that you can now own your own vacation resort property for practically pennies on the dollar compared to their actual retail value.

Properties that MUST be liquidated!

You are visitor since 12/14/96

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