Welcome to Birdie's Nest
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Shopping Around for Stuff?

All is not lost...shop around on my Electronic Greeting Card Page. You're bound to find some kind of cyber-card or gift. You might just want to forget again!

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Need Backgrounds or Graphics for Anything?

Animated Icons from MMMM Backgrounds Galore
Caboodles of Clip Art desktopPublishing.com
Ender Design: Realm Graphics Free Graphics Wonderland
GIF Animation on the WWW Gilbert's Icon Archive
Grafx Factory Hee Yun's Graphic Collection
Kita Lab Icon Archive Randy's Icon and Image Bazaar
Stormi's Wallpaper Boutique The Clip Art Connection
Windy's Fashionable Page Designs

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Homepage, Freeware, and Shareware Resources

Galt Shareware Zone Homepage Creation Center
HTML Goodies Domain Java Boutique
Jumbo Rea's Startup Page
Sausage Software Stroud's
Sun on the Net The Father of Shareware
The Shareware Shop Transparent GIFS
Tucows Repository

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Other Links

Birdie's Loads 'o Links My Awards

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Last update:
July 2001

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