This is a web site for Darkwing, Sorcerer of Illusions. Here, you will find the up-to-the-minute news and tour information for Darkwing and his touring production, Phantazmic!®.

Communications Center
If you want to take part in Darkwing discussions, then swing on over to the Darkwing Communications Center. 'Darkwing Live' is our special events center. Our Message Board is a good place to post your questions and messages. The Chat room is available 24 hours.

Photo Gallery
Here in the Photo Gallery you will find pictures of Darkwing, The Gamesters and Midnite.

Magic Guide
There are lots of great magic sites on the web. Darkwing's Magic Guide is a listing of sites Darkwing thinks you would enjoy.

Media Center
You will find the current press release and press release archives as well as our acknowledgements in the Media Center.

Mail Rooms & Address
Visit Darkwing's Mail Room & Address area for the e-mail address for Darkwing and some of Darkwing's cast and crew. Also in this section is the Contact Address for Darkwing Illusions.

Technical Studio
Darkwing's Sound equipment, lighting system, special effects and pyrotechnics are located in the Technical Studio. You will also find Darkwing's Performance Sequence for Phantazmic!® here as well.
This Professional Magicians WebRing site is owned by
Darkwing, Sorcerer of Illusions.
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