Fare Thee Well Jerry.... We Love You More Than Words Can Tell

HEY NOW EVERYONE =)......=) First I'm gonna tell ya a little bit about myself....My name is Jordan....(On WBS I'm known as TigerRose)! I live in Indiana and I'm 18 years old,.,.born on December 19th, 1979! Welcome to my page!!!! *S*

***WHAT I LIKE***____Music is my life.....I LoVe music....everything about it. ! My ALLTIME favorite band in the whole entire world is The Grateful Dead!!! =) I suppose ya could call me a deadhead!! ...heheeee =) "There's nothing for the head like the Good Ol' Grateful Dead"........=) "The best head is a deadhead" ********GRATEFULLY DEADICATED********

=)=)=)=) Although I AM very obsessed with the dead.....I Love a whole lot of other bands too! I really love to go to shows too =)...unfortunately I was never able to see the dead live.........that's one thing that I REALLY feel like I missed out on.....something I can never go back and get =( Some of the concerts I've been to are....Further,Horde,seen Rusted Root a few times,Skynyrd/Doobie Bros.,Santana,Steppenwolf,Allman Bros,Dylan a few times,Ratdog.....and I'm sure there's some I'm forgetting *laughs* =) I'm also really into bluegrass!

Here's what I look like.....
I'm almost 5'11 and I weigh "approximately" 135#....I have longish wavy brown hair and my eyes change colors depending on what I'm wearing. Actually.....Why Don't you just see for yourself!? .....Click on the Link Down towards the bottom of the page!

Some call me a hippie....I consider myself as much of a hippie as one can possibly be that didn't live in the 60 s. I figure I'm just me.....and if you don't like it....well too bad *S* I try to always focus on the good opposed to the bad.. =) .....and to find beauty in everything *S* In general I'm a pretty happy person!!! ......*happy dance* =D

WoNdErInG WhAt I LiKe To Do??? Probably not but I'm gonna tell ya anyways..---- Actually I don't do a whole lot of anything! When I can actually motivate myself to do something, I make HEMP
jewelry and sell it....! I just recently graduated from high school and am temporarily in between jobs! ....*laughing* I plan on starting college in the fall and majoring in medicine! So right now I'm just kicking back and enjoying life =)=)=)

Go On My FrIeNd Do AnYtHiNg YoU ChOOsE ..=)

LiNkS To My FrIenDs PaGeS
PiCtUrEs Of MEEEE!..(This is temporarily under construction) =)

Well I'm sorry if ya think this sucked .......maybe ya enjoyed hearing about good 'ol me though.....ya never know! Well If Ya think I sounded groovy or something drop me an e mail!!!!!!!!!!! SuNsHiNe & MooNbEaMs friends....... Keep going further still..........***~If you get confused...just listen to the music play!! =)=) Of you wonderful people have been here so far!! Ohhhhh......and I just KnOw you're dyin' to sign my guestbook.......=) Sign My Guestbook
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____Fare thee well now, let your life proceed by its own design. Nothing to tell now, let the words be yours I am done with mine.____


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