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Beverly Hill Internet's
Page of the Day!!
for: 18 July 1995

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Visitors Since 17 Oct. 1995

Greetings, my name is Ken Edick Jr, thanks for stopping by. I was born in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred fifty seven on the tenth day of July, in the town of Richfield Springs, Otsego County, State of New York. And it came to pass, I attended Herkimer County Community College and received an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Data Processing. And it came to pass, I moved to the City of Provo, Utah County, State of Utah. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often refered to as the "Mormons." The previous link to the LDS Church and any that follow are not official pages published by the LDS Church and should not be used as such. I'm an Operations Manager for Maverik Country Store #167. My hobbies include: magic, chess, reading and Ariel. For those of you who don't know, Ariel is the star of the greatest movie of all time--Disney's "The Little Mermaid". For those of you who knew who Ariel was, this link is for you-- Arielholics Anonymous.

I would like to take a moment to thank the following: Provo City Library for providing me with reading material as well as internet access, Richard Pyne for the "volunteer" work he does on the library's computer system. Thanks to all of you who will/have taken the time to comment on my page. I would like to send a special thank you to the voice behind Ariel--Jodie Benson!

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"The Little Mermaid", "TLM", and Ariel Pictures are copyrights of The Walt Disney company.

"Wherefore I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Jesus Christ attoned for my sins, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His Church and He speaks to us today through a living prophet even Gordon B. Hinkley"
-- Kenneth A. Edick Jr.

Maintained by: Ken Edick Jr. Last update: 14 April 2997 Copyright © 1995, Ken Edick Jr.