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Welcome to LAOKON IT Advice Partners, Friends and Associates.
Laokon It Advice live in Copenhagen, Øresunds Regionen, Denmark

with Partner Hans Audius Engineer, Gdansk, Poland and Partner Valdemar Thomsen, MBA/BCSc, Copenhagen Denmark.

Our fokus is upon eCommerce, Information Society solutions, Lotus-Notes applications, Internet Strategies and Webdesign.
Laokon-koncept was founded in 1988.

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Scenario for SMEs 2000

We do research and implementation upon the best concepts to handle the economic societies with focus upon e-commerce within the Economic Dimension Development in Denmark.
Electronic Commerce from FDIH Denmark is a changing business. Engaging in ecommerce has fundamentally changed the way the world conducts business over the internet. Competitors use internet to cut costs, increase customer satisfaction, gets the products faster to a larger regional Market, improves the Business Process efficiency, brings Business to Global customers with eTill or Download the new Microsoft.NET Framework - SDK
With SSL-protocols in the Browser from Versign or as an front-end or with SET Technology, you can pay safe and secure the order process.
If you have interests go visit:
Henrik Lykke Nielsen, Teknologisk Institut

The Electronic Commerce Knowledge Center (ECKC)
Boersen online with electronic Commerce Conferences

The Network Economy

The Network Economy is developing with excellerating speed. In 1999 aprox. 50 million EU-citizens participate on-line today. In Year 2004 100 million EU-citizens will be on the internet every day (Gemini SRG estimation April 1999).
e-shops is changing the economic market structure with e-banks, e-shops and e-public services.
eCommerce is the buzz-word and the new type of internet-applications is changing the co-operation in the Web value-chain and changes the role of content.
Technological changes goes along with the new communications standards and business strategy.
Visit semiconductor projects at The MEDEA+ .
Globalization also is a matter of government focus upon ecommerce sustainable growth and creation of new jobs and a new IDA .
TV Meets the Web on 21-22 May 1999 was the first Seminar European Culture Foundation and various branches of the Soros Foundation and the Dutch Ministry of foreign Affair co-sponsored this year.

Best B2B practice of Electronic Commerce in Europe for SME in value chains

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Visit International Cooperations as the G8 A Global Marketplace for SME-initiative
Just look upon the European Union project and how participants respond to projects in the 15 member countries to find your applications!
Visit Irish eCommerce Community

This LAOKON IT Advice Netscape.net Homepage is managed by Partner [ Valdemar Thomsen ] and Partner Hans Audius.
: laokonitadvice@netscape.net


..Sometimes we invites partners and co-operations to visit us at our conferences - sometimes we participates ourselves in universel activities - just to make the world intelligible.
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Contact LAOKON : laokonitadvice@netscape.net or one of the Partners e-mails.
| Visit LAOKON`s advice on Webcontent development |
: LAOKON@yahoo.com if you have experiences in e-commerce projects.
go to look up some articles in [ International Journal of Electronic Commerce ]
or { Give Hans Audius a message }
: HansAudi@yahoo.com

If You prefer to participate in a debate around the theme ecommerce, you can go to
[ members.delphi.com/valdthomsen ]
for a chat on why ecommerce should be easyForum!

or if you want to study EDI/EC guidelines using XML
Edifecs Commerce offers gXML a standard for exchanging Schemas
that can automatically be imported in to gXML complient products
thus eliminating the need for recreating schemas manually. [ gXML ]

or or visit KITE project
as IBSI Final Report 3 August 1999 - Improving Business Search on the Internet for SME.
See you in September 13-16, 1999 to

You can get in touch with LAOKON IT Advice Partners
by sending LAOKON a message : LAOKON@yahoo.com

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To another partner Hans Audius with interest in Information Society


visit Ålands Handelskammer | or : HansAudi@yahoo.com

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Contact Valdemar Thomsen by e-mail: valdemar.thomsen@Thomsen.dk
if you have any request upon how Information Society can function.
If You should ever need advice about whats legal or who have the right to original creative works in any media.
visit Electronic Frontier Foundation or You may have legitimate or moral issues questions,
visit The International Webmaster Association - IWA.

You can find dansish freelance consultants here The danish marketplace for professionel IT Advice
Look up The Future Focus upon IT in Denmark!

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Netscape Portal
Should You have comments to LAOKON´s new Homepage, please contact
our Webmaster Valdemar Thomsen at : Valdemar.Thomsen@Thomsen.dk
My Partner Hans Audius or e-mail him.

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All Rights Reserved LAOKON IT Advice
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Updated by Webmaster Valdemar Thomsen Januar 2007.

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