Disclaimer: I've been doing a major overhaul on this site inspired by the need to revamp in, and fueled by caffine. I know it might be choppy at parts, so please bear with me. Hopefully I'll get the deadlinks and nonimages sorted out within my lifetime *snark*.
An Introduction to this site
(note that to get to the actual Content of this site, you will have to click on the link located at the bottom of this page.)
I built this site for sun, and started back when I was in highschool. Collge gave me a chance to work on it some more, but I don't think I'll ever actually be finished with it. I just don't seem to have the time to spend hours infront of a computer. There's always something more pressing or more fun to do.
This site is personal webpage, and dedicated to the one I built at my former school. Just recently I recovered parts of it! I have a page full of a fewRandom Links and Recommended Search Engines for all your surfing needs. I placed a few Easter Eggs in this site, sometimes there are hidden links. Roadsigns dot the surreal landscape... and if you come to a fork in the road, feel free to take it...
My lost site, damaged, but recovered!!! I am NEVER doing any more work on that site, but some of the links are still active. It used to be much better but stuff was stored on willard, the Server, so it got deleted.
For The General Public
-Coyotes: A picture tribute. A page that has info about The Coyote, and lots of pics as well. It's not a resource, but it has links to some, and all the info on the page is accurate. I have coyotes near where I live, so I see them and hear them quite often.
-Loup-Garou: Wolves and WereWolves. I have a particular fondness for WereWolves. I like lycanthropes and anthros in general. I have a Garou character in White Wolf's world of Darkness setting. Her name is WindSinger.
-Mortal Kombat 3... cheats. MK3 cheats. Just what it sounds like.
For Users (And Newbies)
-Which is better, Cats or Laptops? Which would your choice of lifestyle be more geared to? Check out this list and decide.
-Want to know how to spice up those boring e-mails? Check out my Emoticon Library, with new emoticons being sent in by other viewers such as yourself. Learn other ways to add a certain something to otherwise lifeless texts. If you don't know what an emoticon is, think of those little smiley faces people put in their e-mails :-)
-Are you a geek, nerd or hacker? If you think you are then take one of these Nerdity Tests to find out. I rank approximately 63% nerd, meaning that I'm more than half nerd. My hacker and geek scores are respectively about 40% each.
-Looking for backgrounds, or other images
to use on a webpage? the Icon
Bazaar has tons of different images
for free; if you're not into createing them yourself.
-Wanna go on a Easter Egg hunt? We're not talking bunnies and chocolate though... this egg hunt requires only a computer. Easter eggs, as you may or may not know are subprograms that hide in the background of your opperating system. Some are simple, some are complex. There are in your OS, games, and even this website. To learn how to find Mac Easter Eggs, visit my easter egg page.
If you want to see another site I built and maintained, check out the Care Website, a site dedicated to bettering life and commerce within the Adirondack Region, yet preserving the region as well. It also has links to various towns, a map of the region, and listings of local GrassRoots organizations. The Adirondacks or one of the largest national parks in the US with a full 6,000,000 acres of pristine wilderness. The page was built by Louis, DL, and myself.
an iMac Easter Egg:
Just what it sounds like... an easter egg... Or, Something that I didn't Fake which came up After an Attempt to Download a file...
The Content of this Site:
If you've seen all you want to of my into page, and want to get to the actual CONTENT of this site, then click here and off you'll go.
This icon means all images and graphics on that page are courtesy of Omicron-Delti Rendering Inc.
This Page is still Under Construction, so not all links and images may be up yet.