Visit my web pages for BOOKS about the brain and how it makes minds.

Here are some links to other web sites about the brain, how it makes minds, and attempts to locate souls.

This homestead is run by GeoCities member: mindbrainsoul.
Is there a Science of the Soul or do we just take it on faith? This is a place for all those who like to explore the relationships between the mind, the brain and the soul. What would objective evidence for a soul be like?
Scientists like Francis Crick have proposed that traditional belief in a non-material soul is silly, that all of human experience is produced by brains and neurochemistry.
Those who believe in a non-material soul counter that materialistic science can never account for the spiritual side of life.
Can traditional belief systems and science find common ground?

An interesting online exploration of soul mythology.

Protoscience wiki, contribute to this exploration of the boundaries of science.

Is it possible to end SECRECY in government and economic activities?
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