John A. Daly
I am a freelance consultant working on issues of technology and science for developing countries. I am interested in research and development programs, and the impact of information and communications technology. Substantively I have been working on the management of grants programs and on impact evaluation of the Internet. I work most frequently on programs that are global in scope, but I have also been working on African issues for the last several years, and in Brazil and Mexico in the late 1990s.
here for some links to things I have written or in which I participated.
here for some Power Point presentations I have done.
here for a brief biography.
are some links on information infrastructure in the third world.
are some books that I recommend.
I run three weblogs:
Thoughts on Knowledge for Development
UNESCO News: Science and Communications
UNESCO News: Education and Culture
I spend a fair amount of time as an editor for the Development Gateway and three of its Topic Pages.
Information and Communication Technologies for Development
Monitoring and Evaluation (ICT Projects)
Nanotechnology for Development